Maclaine is wonderful in that, actually, they all are. It’s profoundly underrated and no, I hadn’t made the connection.
Maclaine is wonderful in that, actually, they all are. It’s profoundly underrated and no, I hadn’t made the connection.
It’s a famous scene which barely exists in the actual movie; all you see is a very light breeze lifting her skirt slightly, then they cut to the top of her body - it’s all in the stills. What a shame we can’t post video anymore.
She has the perfect nose to perch them on.
Wicked. You are beyond redemption. Do it again.
I know. He should totally have work done like Brad and Tom and essentially everyone, he has a responsibility to his brand.
...and totally fictional.
Sadly, I agree - a long time wondering if, now a long time to consider how. I doubt there’s any peace to be found.
Bonkers? No. Totally lacking in spontaneity and highly contrived? Yes. Always. Sometimes it works, sometimes...
Bar soap all the way and scrub damn it! Scrub! Like Karen Silkwood in that shower!
The whole point is that France isn’t Iran or Saudi - wear what you want.
Absolutely. It’s indecent, unkind and there is no earthly reason she should be perpetually hounded in this way; show a little humanity whoever you are out there, because you will be held accountable at some point and this is truly damaging.
I don’t know. I stopped caring years ago. Wait until you’re ungrayed, then grayed again. It’s like blog Heathers or Mean Girls; we’re too old for this shit.
We’ll be the judge of that.
I’d pay to see him try to walk and talk at the same time, so yes!
The only thing better is playing a +4 on a +4 making a +8!
No. Just no. That generation of ladies has to live forever, all of them. Because there was no one like them before and there’s been no one like them since so; immortality please.
I know! What’s the point otherwise?
Is that Sondheim, Spielberg and Streisand? Because that’s a whole new Marvel franchise right there!
Oh dear, is this going to transform into one of those crowdfunding requests you can’t turn away from without feeling lousy because count me in!