
And yet guys, even ones with strong thighs, have no problem whatsoever confining themselves to their own seats when the person next to them is another guy.

Your Pips are the size of two subway seats? Dude, see a doctor immediately!

For the first several seconds she was my hero. Then I let this thought creep in:

Seriously, women need to fuck off on this one. Pick another hill to die on. We do not sit with our thighs/knees together, it applies uncomfortable/painful pressure to our balls. Our shoulders are already wide enough that you are not going to have access any space saved by having our legs closer together. Stop busting

I don’t care if they have bowling balls for testicles. Stay out of other people’s allotted spaces. I have huge tits, bigger than any balls I’ve ever seen, but you know what? Somehow I manage to keep my arms within the confines of one seat on all transport I use. I don’t splay out and expect everyone else to

“Ehh, I’ll split the diff, they’ll know what I mean”

Pretty sure she couldn’t choose between “forgo” and “forget” so she opted for both.

Should be “forget,” not “forgot.”

Is there something grammatically off about this headline or have I just not had enough coffee yet?

Because the waitlist is so long for a new one there is a huge second hand market.

Forgot Birkins, merkins are the real best investment.

All the pygmy sloth hugs in the world for you, my friend.

Yeah that’s disrespectful to mix it in with non-essential gossip.

Lemmy, Bowie, now Rickman, FUCK CANCER.


damn it. I actually started crying at work. He will always be my favourite Sheriff.

We’ve already had three, Lemmy died of cancer too just recently, and he literally only just turned 70.

well fuck.. all the good actors and singers are dying all of a sudden. Soon all we’ll be left with is Hayden Christensen and Miley Cyrus

Well, I was jizz asking ....

But did it fix her shoulder?