It’s an astonishingly simple and effective way to troll people IRL.
It’s an astonishingly simple and effective way to troll people IRL.
Only women “d’une certaine age” remember Ms. Berenson.....are you that “certaine age,” Ms. Again?
Story of my life in two frames.
i would wear it without a stitch of irony.
It was the seventies. BO covered the planet. All that polyester.
At least it's a short term relationship.
A doll that costs $115 is BEGGING to be Sharpie’d within an inch of its life.
Can’t she just take a Sharpie to her doll like the rest of us?
wow. leo’s done something people might care about now.
I get it, she was TERRIBLE in AHS and didn’t really deserve the award. That being said, FUCK YOU LEONARDO diCAPRIO, you piece of shit. I hope when he is at the oscars AND LOOOOOOSES, someone turns around, points directly at him, and starts belly laughing.
Not wanting to share something as personal as your feelings about your dead mother is understandable.
Netflix has dropped a trailer for its series about the life and times of Queen Elizabeth
Evangelicals who married young....ALWAYS the healthiest of relationships!
“Hungary seems like a cool place.”
Hey, lets be fair here.
I think she was just hungry for attention. I’ll see my way out.
She wanted to raise awareness of endangered tribes in Africa and she did.
These tribes aren’t “secluded.”
Oh boy.
There’s a part of me that is jealous of her, because she must have a LOT of people in her life that support and encourage her NO MATTER WHAT SHE DOES.