
Just keeping up the tradition of Americans sending money under the noses of the government for pet causes. See the IRA and Irish Americans (Specifically Irish Americans from New York and Massachusetts) for another example.

Europe was built on the back of the Church, I shudder to consider its future once it has eschewed Christianity. It is a sad culture that attempts to demonize an institution that preaches love at every turn and begs people to treat others as they would wish to be treated.

Apparently, “no.” Considering Hungary just closed their borders to refugees and are putting up razor wire fences.

“There are few things less heartbreaking than watching the desperate Mohsen fall on his small, crying son.”

S’il vous plaît et merci.

They just let an Indian woman, who was neither Irish nor Catholic, die a painful death because they refused to remove the fetus from her body that was killing her while it still had a heartbeat, like last year. So fuck these people. Why the hell they felt the need to go to a place that is already that horrible is

Oh cool, so now Americans can join forces with the wackjobs in Northern Ireland and with our powers combined, we can prevent women on opposite sides of the ocean from obtaining care! Yes!!! It’s so great when we can recognize religious insanity akin to our own and help nurture it.

just push him off


“something in the environment”

she certainly doesn’t seem to give the slightest bit of a shit about treating the LGBTQ community with any respect

Thank you! I know you and I are in the minority, but I completely agree with you. No one said they had to agree with her. That’s the way she sees things, fine. Annoying how people really want to make her pay for not agreeing with them.

What the hell is your problem? She’s wrong about rape, but that’s her prerogative. And she’s straight up about her own story as she sees it. She’s equally straight about what she asks of you, which is nothing. You don’t want it, don’t buy it. I respect that.

I dropped a name outside of a club once. I didn’t get in and I felt like an idiot ;)

I think she forgot to add a “but” after that statement.

You can do the American version of this workout by finding the nearest black male, jumping him, beating him with a baton and then finish by doing some cardio by running to the nearest Fox affiliate to play victim, just the way our cops do.

What do you mean? Hungary was on the Central Powers side and the Axis side in the world wars respectively.

“I’m not a heartless, child-kicking racist.”

I love Jones. But this was about Jean-Paul Goude’s work. Jones was the muse and catalyst for his thoughts but not the creator and only somewhat in some ways, his collaborator.

It bothers me that so few Boomerang gifs pop up in these situations.