
To be clear, this was more of a general criticism of the media coverage of this than it was a criticism of you. But, I really do hope that people remember that as literally as late as July, she was saying this to refugees:

And even more sanctimonious are Americans who think they know about Europe and get the mistaken impression those folks think they are better than us. Though hoighty toighty people thinking they know more than us blah blah. Now THAT is bullshit. Talk about chip on shoulder. The only thing Europeans (i mean continental

You are wrong about France being more homophobic than the US. I don’t think you have ever been to France if you think this the case. There is a polarisation of politics that means people of a generation are less likely to support but people under a generation are more likely to support 100% and they are the majority

Interesting. This question is being asked of a number of news outlets. Here is the BBC’s guide to there use of ‘migrant’ over ‘refugee’.

Honestly, are we going to forget just a few months ago Merkel telling a young child refugee she was going to have to go back to where she came from? I mean, I’m glad they’ve changed their tune, but that the right-leaning German government is getting away with white-washing of some very recent history is amazing.

All human places can be shit, but not completely so and not all the time. No matter where you go, there are still good people. The trick in life is figuring out how to always love humanity no matter how inhuman some people are, and to love a place, a people, a culture by still seeing what’s good about them no matter

although there are certainly many legitimate refugees the vast majority of them are still in camps near the border and even more are in Syria in the middle of war zones or under control of a brutal ISIS.

This has been addressed in TONS of articles in various media. Migrants is the correct terminology as although all refugees are migrants some migrants are not refugees.

Wait a fricking second, is this sourced confirmation that Anne Coulter has started working for the Hungarian Media?

France is not more homophobic than US, they support same-sex marriage at larger scale than US. In 2013 around 63% supported same-sex marriage and in US in 2015 it is around 55%, with that in mind it seems the US is more backwards. I am not surprised there were protests because in France there are always protests.

May she never work again & be forced to beg on the streets for food

This isn’t a racial problem though. It’s an immigrant/xenophobia problem.

I hope that image of her stays as iconic as the “kissing sailor”, “dust woman” “falling man” and “Afghan girl”. She’s a piece of shit and her “legacy” should follow her everywhere. Future Safari photographer for Walter Palmer.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I didn’t know how to phrase it to offend the least amount of people, but throwing a trans lead actor in a wide-release film wouldn’t go over so well in America as of 2015. Movies have to make a profit, and my relatives here in Southern Alabama probably won’t see this movie as-is.

Sorry, I should’ve been more clear. Is there anything more that doesn’t just make it worse?

Is there anything to Burning Man other than rich people in ornate hippie costumes pretending that they discovered psychedelics?

Yes? That's part of my point: insisting that the film industry be representative of society as a greater whole is absurd.

There are some i’ve seen (in porn) where the dude has a girthy, meaty baseball bat of a trunk, with a little space invader for a head. it was a bit unsettling.

The biggest one I’ve ever had was 11in and so big I couldn’t put my mouth around it.