Putin's Pet Bear

He fought nail for that award.

Another example of “rush to publish journalism.” The video and the photos prove that the banner might exist, but this story is completely lacking the money shot.

Wow, these FIFA bribes are getting really out of hand.

I don’t think the UK has the balls to go through with this.

What’s the slang term for female testicles?

“...is there a more disgusting artificial flavor than grape?”

I just feel bad for his wife, who was forced to listen to 17 terrible jokes the next day.

To all of you people bitching about this joke being low-hanging fruit: (a) it still works and (b) not every comment is going to be about Marcel Proust or Schrodinger’s cat.

I’m impressed. The last time I caught something in Cleveland it required three rounds of antibiotics.

That kid is on the fast-track to being an insufferable Ohio State fan in no time.

This is nothing. The New York Mets have been pretending to be a pro-style team for 53 years.

you seem to be focusing on the amount of movies of the romance genre, but i’m speaking of any kind of movie. Heck from all i hear Jurassic World is the most recent example of a movie with a romance subplot that really didn’t need it.

whoo Mad Max! I was just thinking that i really need to watch it again

Everything is a trope. How old do you think story telling is? Also I like how you already know that. A kissing scene before a huge event probably in the end adds some emotion which Japanese media loves to exploit at all costs. And since this is a movie they even could add some deaths that were not in the manga. Like

yyyeaah but i am kind of sick of how every time there’s a male and a female lead, romance has to be shoehorned in. It’s just a tired trope and often it does nothing for the movie

The hell with the character inaccuracy, the greenscreening burns my eyes! They put absolutely no work in shadow correction during post-production and it shows. And are there only like, two Directors of Photography in Japan? Almost all the high concept movies I’ve seen from there have that horrible “overhead” lighting

Oh fuck the original source material. People need to take that giant stick up their asses and judge the movie on its own merits... ok, the movie still looks kind of bad but on its own merits!

Man. I am so white, and I really wish I understood this priveledge you speak of.

But it’s not a zero-sum game. White people are better off if Black children become scientists, writers and teachers instead of being incarcerated at a young age or killed by somebody’s gun. We have no idea what we may have lost—a Black child may have grown up to cure cancer or solve climate change but instead was

While I’m sure most of the white people tacitly or overtly supporting white supremacy do see it this way, and though it obviously has been enacted and created on economic lines (redlining and the FHA), I see equality as a chance for greater growth and more resources for everyone. By holding down over half of our