Putin's Pet Bear

“I laughed. I cried. I forgot what movie I was watching. Four stars! Why do I still see four stars in a circle over my head?!”

We belong to the guns.

Yes let us all learn about what a real American team should look like from a woman on a team that is almost exclusively only white women.

Agree completely. The author’s grasp of the concept of censorship is sketchy at best. Is it censorship if it’s being done for commercial purposes? No.

13 is the age of consent

And people will think that they are lunatics because articles like this are written to give people that opinion. I don’t play JRPGs, I don’t follow chan stuff, I don’t follow tumblr drama, but I recognize that I have nerdy hobbies that could easily be turned against me. I feel that this is one of those articles that

Because, as said, Japan loves their underaged girls - and the sex industry there does not discriminate. While I’m not saying Japan’s a pedophile paradise, but as long as people throw wallets to see this kind of stuff...as well as others, the material will continue to be churned out. ...Sad thing is, it’s kind of the

You probably haven’t seen many 13-yeard-old girls in an outfit like this because they don’t wear them. As anyone who’s been to a public beach in New England can attest, at least.

I’m going to read the rest of the article, but a couple thoughts up front:

1. Not that I’ve seen a lot of 13 year olds in skimpy swimsuits, but as best I can tell, that Xenoblade character does not look 13. This is kind of a weird thing because it’s only the surrounding story that establishes this as anything

Don’t worry. The frothing gun-fondlers and associated trolls are doing all of the sensationalism down in the comments.

Contextual clues say so. Sometimes it’s okay to be right and it’s okay to hate. Love isn’t all you need.

There’s nothing wrong with bigotry if the target of hate is a culture prone to religious fanaticism. It seems you feel uncomfortable saying that radical Muslims are pieces of shit and realize being a “better person” doesn't always mean moral relativism.

It’s like they told an alien what a woman looks like over the phone.

Why, I would love a statue like this. It’s tasteful and gorgeous, the type of art I’d be proud to display in my home.

Tech illiteracy of this level should be punishable by jailtime.

Instead you spent 400-500 for a game console that was already obsolete on the day it shipped (check the hardware specs). And you can’t upgrade it. And you can’t play a lot of games on it. E.g. look up KSP, and the mods available for it. KSP is coming to PS4, I think, but there won’t be mods which add a whole lot of

if thats really what you think then you aren’t smart enough to own a pc. It will be too hard for you. stick to consoles

The game runs like shit on console. 30fps cap and it sometime drop to 0 on Xbone.

I would argue PCs are a waste, if all you’re interested in is playing games.

That isn't a shockwave - those are ripples of liberty and freedom being spread