Business will be very tremendous on a dying planet with a dying atmosphere. Profits. Very many jobs will happen. Except when they don’t.
Business will be very tremendous on a dying planet with a dying atmosphere. Profits. Very many jobs will happen. Except when they don’t.
Exploiting the miners is a blast. Ask Don Blankenship. Present whereabouts? Taft Correctional Institution, Taft, CA.
Right on. Peter’s probably now having a few peter problems at his age.
On the recent hate crime committed by a white supremacist in New York City, however, Sessions remained silent.
Hannity. Always the aggressive pseudo intellectual. Peel the facade and the asshole appears. That’s sad, Sean. That’s sad.
We may assume the wedding was a commercial success.
House Speaker Paul Ryan said, “I will not sugarcoat this, this is a disappointing day for us. My ass was handed to me in a sling. But my ass’s poor performance can be blamed on Democrats. They refused to let us win. This unreasonableness will not go unpunished. Pelosi on a spit would be fine with me.”
The Revenge Tour begins at 3:10 AM. Sharp.
The fucking loser Donald Trump proves to be a fucking loser by fucking losing. Pathetic.
Is Paul Ryan still the “smartest guy in the room?” Just wondering.
Yes, but threats of cracking skulls, breaking faces, and political death are a very tremendously better feeling deal. For a born loser.
News Flash (AP). Donnie Truck Driver fails to make victory lane. The three-wheeled brick, TrumpCare Special, crashed spectacularly in the pits on the warm up lap. The resultant inferno was a sight to behold. GOP pit crews scattering to hometowns lickity split and Racer Donnie en flambe. A very weak and tremendously…
Nail. Coffin. Hammer. NASCAR. Dead. Who cares.
“Big day for healthcare. Working hard! Skin very youthful. Tremendously sexy!!! Orange tan on tight. Much more handsome than the unfair (and very sick) Obama. My day’s work. Excellent.”
NEWS FLASH (AP). Unnamed sources, corroborated by Rep. David Nunes (R, Calif.), have just revealed that President Obama surreptitiously spied on “president”-elect Donald Trump. Reports reveal that Obama was observed watching Trump expound on internal Russian political affairs on FOX news. All this occurred while…
Google Cuban Missile Crisis.
Yup. For many of that generation. But thanks for the snark. :)
from a SAC....oops
When I was a kid and a knower of all things auto. With a dad who’s knowledge of cars was the complexity of turning the key, I was the self appointed family car purchase guru. These were fresh on the US of A market. And I, of course me, just had to have one. Recommended one to dad. So off to Insero Motors in…