
Let us try to understand the man.....er.....thing. When spending nearly 70 years contemplating and romancing the owner of his navel, designing ways to fuck over one and everyone, grabbing pussy, bilking the destitute out of roulette and one arm bandit money, suing seemingly the entire nation, building a university

And the GOP cares the least of all. Under the rug. With a broom. And the big F U to the American public. With zero shame. They are heroes.

Urine in good company.

Hey. The 14th is oncoming. Here’s one for the two love birds.

Now playing

At any given time, they can be roaming for targets around the world. Although I would rather do it with wings and [landing] wheels. Got to hand it to the B-52(s).  

Going ballistic is not good for you. Obama cool, man. And teachers do not work for the state. In this state.

What the?

Geez, I did not know that. Really? Guess the alt right knew it all along. Teachers are stupid. Thanks.

NASCAR may not be broken. It just sucks.

Feel better?

Hey! He was canonized. He’s a saint. Not fair.

Yup. There goes my 0.15 percent pay raise. Was hoping to buy “new” car to replace 14 year old VW. Not happening. Pay cut imminent. Oh well. Two used tires. A muffler. And some Bondo. Fix her right up. I wonder what the good Secretary drives?

“Kenyan Obama throwing shade my way. Fail. Very weak. And trying to look as very young as me. This is expected. And where’s the babes in those photos? Not like me. Me catching rays and grabbing pussy. Very smart. Try again, Barak. Loser.”

Hey, George:

Is there prison time involved? Hope so.

When he visits, they had better give the “President” a cavity check at Heathrow. His Höschen are Wehrmacht feldgrau.

But ya gotta admit, this bad boys knows how to control a crowd. Like say, Russia, for example. Great.

What’s it taste like? Being the shit expert, I mean.

Sean, highly recommended: