
Adventure Throne!
Come on, fuck your bro!
You evil, queenly, incest hoe!
With Joffrey the Mad
Whose Uncle's his Dad.The sexing never ends.
It's Adventure Throne!

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a good fortune must be in need of a paranoid sexual secret that will destroy him and anyone who comes into contact with him'

I'm looking forward to the sequel: 'See Amy Poehler Decapitated With A Cuisineart'.

"This version is a bullying victim, PTSD, heartlander paranoia, genocidalist-killer, surveillance state drone-smasher, post-9/11 one. "

Incredibly underrated - and died, far, far too young. Why couldn't it have been Jane Fonda?

He's a good actor with a lot of presence but he shouldn't say:

Because six months later, it gets released in Indonesia and seven hundred millipon peasants with nothing else to do pay 40c to see it.

Kubrick's great triumph in the film is to make the hotel itself the villain.

That's a stunning film. The epitome of black comedy. And while Rod Steiger's carpet-chewing turn is great, the film is still stolen by Lee Remick's cool-as-a-cucumber tour guide interplay with George Segal's everyman detective. Those two should have had their own franchise.

Her naturalistic behaviour is all the more appropriate because she doesn't know the place is haunted for almost the entire film. The only time she gets an inkling is when she sees the old man getting fellated by some dude in a plush dog suit. ~

I think she gives a great, naturalistic performance as an ordinary women in terror. An actress 'who looks like an actress' just wouldn't have done it,

'Ralph Mouth'? 'Ralph Mouth'?

Goddamit, you had him on the phone and you didn't ask about his greatest film, the one he stole right from under the nose of Rod Steiger? 'No Way To Treat A Lady'? That's like having Al Pacino and saying: 'Yeah, yeah, we get it, Godfather II… But seriously what was Adam Sandler like in Jack & Jill?'.

“Oh my God, the fix is in!"George Segal! King of the 70s Rangy Light Comedians and Everyday Heroes! He makes Elliot Gould look like chopped liver.

I'm sorry but I charge for helping explain jokes to cretins on the internet, and you sound unmistakably poor.

Don't step on my joke.

Well I'll be buggered.

Nor in mine.

Oh. I get it now.

The problem I found with this film is that the male lead could not pass for straight and so the romance between the two protagonists seemed not only fake but both tragic and sinister.