
And you're infantile. Now bugger off.

That doesn't make it 'good'. Correction; 'any good'.

"Rob's superlative performance…."

"Wanted And Desired tells the story of Polanski’s 1977 arrest after the 43-year-old director had sex with a 13-year-old girl"

And goodbye to Rob Lowe too. Hyperactive optimist was never that funny to begin with and they never had any idea what to do with him.

This show is now about caring and sharing. And it's become pure shit for wish fulfilment infantilists.

Boomalaka Wee

Merridew is *double* fictional. And Sven Hjerson would eat him alive.

Are these just people you like?

That's Terrence Howard, you idiot. And it was him who was replaced by Don Cheadle anyway.

Inspector Cockrill from 'Green For Danger' (1946) as played by Alistair Sim or Trevor Howard's Major Calloway from 'The Third Man' (1949). Don't bother looking them up, shallow hipster scum, they were long before your time.

'Gallimaufry', surely?

It's a sad commentary on this commentary that no-one has mentioned or noticed or cared that the idiom is not 'scared cows'.

I like Claire Zulkey, I like Iggy the Fish, I like John Teti.

He's too fat and ugly to be gay these days. But he could play Truman Capote's idiot brother in the 70s maybe.

Amy Sedaris boobs? No thank you!

It's an underground cavern that potholing divers sometimes find that is full of poisonous gas.

Shut up, poofs.

Because you go out with fat, ugly girls? And they're the ones who consider themselves the demeaned party of the relationship?

The world is ready for a gritty,edgy reboot: Fred vs Pee-Wee: Pump-Action Partners . Sam Rockwell as the older, gamier actor mentoring an uptight, bowtied comic played by Michael Cera.