
I disagree. Her arc has got as much variety and reversal as any of the other major characters'. It only seems boring - I submit - because she herself is boring. Except when she has her clothes off. I mean, try and imagine a young actress who *can* act would do with the part - from l
Laurie Pike to Juno Temple.

"I was trained as a literary critic"Did you get your money back?

No, that is true. He is the most watchable thing on screen whenever he's in a scene. But his accent is terrible. Terrible!

My god,he was pissed out his mind that day. Oh well, rich, famous, fun girlfriend, why not?

"Just judgy"?


And thank you for yours, Buzzfeed.

I'm sorry but the opinion of one internet eunuch tough guy is pretty much the same as two internet eunuch tough guys. 'Buddy'.

"We get it."

Mind your own business, dullboi.

I'm sorry but these selfless, altruistic, surgeon general-approved whores are still whores.

I have bad news. Prepare yourself for a shocking revelation. Clarke can't act. She's famous for being the worst actress in GOT - and that's a series, you will remember, that also features Peter Dinklage's 'English' acent.

"I don't know how to feel about Futurama showing me a six year old dying of a heart attack and treating it seriously. "

That wasn't funny. It wasn't even clever. If wasn't even stupid and funny.

You're a cretin. She's notorious for being the worst actress on Game of Thrones and this cameo shows that if it is possible to have a 'wooden sound' her voice is it.

As her subtle, nuanced and richly varied voice-acting shows, Emilia Clarke's most dramatic talent is still her tits.

"Coppola cuts back to Michael so we can see just how uninterested he is. "

"Who am I to teach you? I’ve taught classes on Game Of Thrones,Doctor Who, Mad Men, and Batman. I also write about politics for Lawyers, Guns & Money, and I co-host a weekly podcast onGame Of Thrones with Steven Attewell of Race For the Iron Throne. "

"…legend has it that Hackman was approached to also star in Beyond. Had he agreed, it would have opened with him getting out of the helicopter and asking the survivors, “Did my twin brother make it?”This funny anecdote distils everything you need to know about bad 70s film-making.

“full-service sex worker”