
"zarrely reactionary turn in the homestretch, undermining all of the goodwill Hahn had accumulated up to that point and turning her character into detestable yuppie scum."

No, Ruffalo's character specifically taunts Morgan Freeman's character that he will now rot in a cell for ears.

Well, if that's how you want to read it, I have no legal authority to stop you.

Well, Zimmerman is kind of integral to Trayvon.

Agree. This is a simple gig. All he has to do is type out the press release but O'Neal thinks he's Perez Hilton both stylistically and sexually.

Jebus, him and John Goodman on the same team. It would be a bloodbath. Buscelmi must *never* introduce them!

Makes sure you write out 'The Baldwins' in capital letters on the form. You don't want to be stuck with 'The Willeses' because some clerk can't read your cursive.

Shut up! He is our better!

Sorry. Alec hates poofy fags though he supports their right to be married and express themselves as they please after countless years of oppression.

He's rich and in the newspapers. That's all you need to know, nobody.

Why does he keep on insisting that he wants to make a movie? This franchise is rooted  in television and, as he has already shown with Season 4, if he fucks about too much with the format, he taints the product.

Dude, she's written as wet and uninteresting. The writers shouldn't have to ginger her up just to validate her in terms of sexual politics.

"The Huffington Post’s Maureen Ryan…"

He's hideous!

It's because there are about fourteen seven of diamonds in the pack, you idiots.

That's why when he pulls out your card, you always lie and say: 'Sorry, it was the Queen of Diamonds' and give him a smile that only he understands.

But she *wasn't* on wires. She was *supposed* to be on wires but in fact she was *CGI'd* in place.

Also, how did an FBI agent have enough money to provide the four horsemen with all the resources they needed to do any of this?

You're following too many characters simultaneously to gain any sympathy or hate for them, especially since what they are doing is nonsensical.

If Ruffalo thinks that Freeman will be inside that cell for more than fifteen minutes, he's a moron. No judge in the world, or jury, would possibly think he's guilty on that basis of that pathetic 'frame'.