
It really wasn't a twist. Twists only really work when they happen and the audience say 'Oh yeah. I didn't expect that but now I see it was inevitable'. When Ruffalo came out as The Hidden Genius, it pretty much could have been anyone else in the cast - Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, the French girl.

I hated it too. And one of the reasons is that this movie, with just a few tweaks, could have been great.

None of it makes sense. Not even the nonsense!

No, if you put their names together, you get Tyler Perry! And what's he got to do with anything?

Meet The Willises!

Kate Hudson's changed. The beard is an interesting go-to.

It's what happened in 'Psych'. Somewhere along the line the producers say, 'Our little core audience loves the show so much, it doesn't matter what we do'. Well, it does matter.

But Merve, these are sexual freaks deformed by their own perverse mental compulsions! They're not like us norms!

This episode had more of the ominous subtleties of previous shows but I am getting sick of having the 'arc twist' in the last minute of every episode regular as clockwork. It's like the scripts were already written and the editor then said: 'Hang on, none of these are actually moving the show forward. Let's have

Well, is hat the case? I mean, even at the time of its 'greatness' SNL wasn't that 'great'. I mean, Chevy Chase leering at the camera and going 'I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not' left many of us unmoved. I mean, compare it with Monty Python. How many SNL catchphrases and skits can you remember from the 70s and 80 and

Distribution arguments between the scheming, avaricious producers, probably, all trying to stab each other in the back.

You are so naive and yet also so close-minded, it's astonishing. May I ask, how old are you and what is your educational level?

Oh, come off it. How can you call thinking that men who like to dress up as women and dream about having their cocks sawn off are mentally ill 'transphobic'? Bradley's going to have a lovely time in jail, isn't he?

Who said said anything about rape, you prissy little prude? Fuck off.

What vapid bullshit.

The secret is JD Salinger is really Thomas Pynchon.

"Wentworth Miller Spotted With Gay Boyfriend".I immediately inferred he was a post-op transexual.

Ben Stiller as the prima ballerina of the Kirov? Jason Sudeikis as Superfly, the Pimp with Balls of Tungsten? Ed Helms as an amusing character?

*checks smug-self-righteous-o-meter*

I don't understand. He wanted to break *out* of prison?