
We're British. We're not weak like NuMericans

Wasn't this movie released about half a year ago? Has it been re-released?

Well, the Kennedy-Jackie thing didn't have much of a happy ending either, did it now, Joyce Brothers?

Really? I thought the one thing the episode didn't lack was inventiveness.

You're an idiot.

B+ only? I'm surprised. I thought this episode with all its twists and turns, daffy surrealism and yet consistent exhibition of  established character was not just the best episode of the season but a classic episode of any season.

Oh for god's sake, it was the only possible retort,  monsieur milquetoaste.

Jezus, pull that stick out of your arse, prissy. You're like something out of the Victorian age.

"This is not what's happening. It's dudes in their mid thirties wanting to bang girls in their late teens, early twenties."

No, I think it's because she's so rich and famous she can make boys do exactly what she wants in a relationship which, because she may not be very sexual or at least sexually experienced is hold hands a lot and go antiquing. Say what you like about Madonna but at least you know with her it's a rim job on the first

I like my ponies stirruptitiously hot.

It's like 'From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E, Frankweiler" but instead of an art museum, it's Auschwitz.

He's the son of the devil or possessed by the devil or a little girl ghost or he's a baby vampire or he's really a 36 year old homicidal midget or he's a telepathic alien who can make the child psychologist swerve into oncoming traffic. Or he's just a little shit.

And that's because of Disney, right? Not because you're molesting her?

That's disgraceful.

Yes, and…?


It's like when Bruce Springsteen sings about the mill closing down. Well buy it and re-open it, ya big froot!

Do try and focus, we're talking about how shit SNL is.

What's wrong with people's sexuality when they no longer want to know about the saucy comings and goings of beautiful young idiots? It's only been the basis of the entire entertainment industry since Shakespeare.