
Did you have to pay taxes on your fairly won thirty-two grand? How much did the goddam taxman try to thieve from you?

Why don't these quiz shows just pay the taxes on their contestants winnings? They can afford it, it's a class move and it means their players get the actual value of the prizes.

Yes! We must all pay more taxes because otherwise Baby Obama criez.

Don't just tease us with your tongue! Spill the beans! Now!

Did you have to pay a tonne of taxes? Like this lady?

What are all these taxes this lady had to pay? In UK quiz shows, when you win a car, they give you the car and you can rive it home. I guess in the UK it's because you don't pay taxes on winnings (I think). How great we are, how sux 2 b u.

Alex Rocco and Haji? What a combination!

If you can't drive and text without smashing into a yellow bus full of screaming children then those children deserve to die anyway.

Yes, I'll buy Dodgeball and even Swingers.

Are you?

"so angry that I actually had to stop watching it and return later."

Beside 'The Internship', 'Four Christmases' is the 'Kagemusha' of Vince Vaughan films.

The frauds-for-hire get paid the GDP of small countries for being allowed to spend their lives doing let's-pretend so if they don't want to sit down and speak to their equally disgusting cousins in the press then they should be cast out of the nursery and set to tasks more fitting to their technical and professional

Finney was an especially weird choice to play the mystery Highland fatso.

His 'Creepy Napoleon' in Waterloo was also unique and inspiring in the field of creepiness. Did he ever give one - just one - non-creepy performance?

I also think - looks aside - that even today's "non-conventional looking/funny women - like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Kristin Wiig just aren't as funny as their equivalents of the 70s. Or, at least, they can't create as rich, real and hilarious performances as, say, Teri Garr's 'Depressed Failure Actress" from

I like Eisenberg but that could so easily change.

But she's a transplendant genius and anyone who says any different is 'Rape culture!'

Something has definitely gone wrong with the writing in this show. This episode terrible - terrible! - dialogue, certainly compared with the dark and sophisticated conversations of previous seasons:

Is there a single film in which Rod Steiger didn't exude a sweat-dripping creepiness? Even when he was trying to be charming and friendly? Of course in some of his great movies that was a plus, like 'No Way To Treat A Lady'.