
Dorothy Dunnett.

Heisler, you're an idiot.

He recently took out a super-injunction against the British press for asserting that he likes to frequent prostitutes and pay them to shove dildos up his bottom. I can say that here because this is an American site that cares nothing about the privacy of the various prancing mummers who entertain us from the various

Yeah, we'll do that when the Cherokee get their land back, smugboi.

Lot of incredibly strong leading ladies in the 70s:

One of the strange, unconventional actresses, not "beautiful", not stagey, that Hollywood started using in the late 60s as it tried to co-opt the counter-culture. Paula Prentiss was another, and Shelley Duvall too. They always gave interesting and original performances, and were as effective at drama as they were at

Yeah, but I don't work for you, cunt. Sorry. ;o)

As a very young man, my father was on the Supreme Headquarters Allied Fine Arts Commission (sp?). I hope that if he had ever come across Matt Damon or George Clooney, he'd have had them sten-gunned in the bocage. Most of his time was spent stopping the bloody Eyeties - his words, not mine - from trying to steal back

Poor little fat boy who can't keep his mouth shut. Couldn't he have watched what Ducky does? Come in, read the lines, get slapped by whoever is boss of the franchise at the moment, go home in a gold Rolls-Royce.

"…But I can only do one voice', he ended.

C'mon grab your friends. You'll go to very distant lands.

Who's Ryan Adams? Do they mean Brian Adams?

What other thread?

Thank god no-one has got it into their head to attack Bilko for anti-semitism. Or, for that matter, being demeaning to brachycephalics.

Hasn't Spader got fat? Not Kilmer fat, true, but still.

I am surprised that no-one in the panel mentioned Spike Lee's fascinating movie 'Bamboozled' in the context of this discussion. Blazing with fury, it's a coruscating condemnation of demeaning portrayals of black people in Hollywood.

'“We’re so lucky,” she always says at the end of these talks about how things used to be. We are. '

"…it’s equally remarkable now how we’re still not only faced with the overwhelming percentage of Caucasian actors in television shows, but an overwhelming number of Caucasian critics discussing them…"~

"Since we don’t live in England at the height of pedophiliac paranoia, Brass Eye’s “Paedogeddon!” doesn’t have quite the same impact. "

No. That's not what 'post hoc rationalisation' means.