
What will be wild is that the law enforcement that they’re going to go after are all already Trump supporters themselves. Like, I will relish the moment Trump has Mitch McConnell thrown in jail for lack of loyalty, even though McConnell will have done more than almost anyone else to facilitate his return to office.

Everything about Trump is one giant grift, so Trumpers grifting Trumpers is just a natural part of the life cycle.

Folks who had their cars towed have to pay $380 to get them back from Gotcha Towing.

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

I had my LEGALLY parked car towed from streets in Lowell, MA in 2000 when Bill Clinton came to speak at the Tsongas Arena. I was street parked for practice at the boathouse 3 miles away, but because he was arriving on that route, they towed every car parked along the route with 0 warning. His event was in the

It was almost certainly some other MAGA drone who assumed he could park there and told others. The herd instinct with that crowd is very strong. 

I like watching Everything Auto videos on Youtube, good, professional, honest tow company. Absolutely everyone he tows that is illegally parked claims someone told them they could park there.  I don’t believe for a second that Dunkin gave up their parking lot to let a bunch of MAGAts prevent customers from visiting

I bought two AP2s over the years, both with teen miles, enjoyed them immensely for about 5 years each, and made a slight profit on both.

Must be the over-the-air CrowdStrike update. 

My girlfriend from about 2011-2014 had an amazing mother. Her mom, a true legend of a lady, wanted a car just for her so she bought an AP1 S2000 new off the lot. Why? Because her husband couldn’t drive a manual and at 6'5" and 300 lbs, also couldn’t fit even as a passenger. It was her place to escape to.

In 2013 or so

A good friend of mine bought one new back when it first came out. Believe it or not, he still has it, pretty munch unmolested, and he is one of two people I know of who daily it, except during worst of the weathers. I’ve driven his many many times, and I never gelled with S2000. So many things to love about it, but

In my memory the S2000 has never really dropped below $10k. At least not for decent examples you would buy and keep. Good examples have always been above $10k.

Yeah, that was the biggest lie of MAGA, that America was somehow not great anymore.

Sounds better than MP3's.  Fight me.

It may be possible to recover the system by performing a vehicle power cycle: Exit the vehicle, close all doors, reenter the vehicle, and attempt to drive.

That sounds about right.... The idiot who can’t reliably build anything (much less predict anything) is now supporting the serial shyster, who couldn’t rebuild a a country...

Two things:

Total banger. No notes. 

“They are so filled with rage that they have lost all sense of human decency and respect,” Mr. Zhang, 30, said of the critics he has encountered.”