
What you have proposed is current Biden admin policy

I don’t care if you’re stupid or just a liar. We have had nearly a decade of Trump’s lies, sedition and terror. The Republican Party has willingly joined his criminality. If you can’t see and acknowledge the fact of Trump’s sedition and criminal actions, you are a part of the deranged, determined and deadly minority

Murderous seditionists. The Republicans are the new Confederacy. A death cult. The party of treason.

Climate change does not give a flip if you believe it real or not. It’s happening at an accelerating rate. We are the proverbial frog in the pot, enjoying the water until it gets cooked. There are a portion of us that are taking this crisis seriously but a vast majority don’t like the hit in convenience and money it

Vance is an antisocial, lying, self-aggrandizing scumbag. His “book” is full of lies, inaccuracies, weird fantasies and wad very obviously just an ad for a political career. He is dangerous and I hope the big Cheeto screws him over. I just fear that said Cheeto will soon eat his last KFC and we'll be left with Vance

You know for sure that one question any VP pick has to answer was “will you always do whatever I tell you without question, even if it violates your oath or explicitly described duties of the job” The problem with Pence, among others, is they still maintained some semblance of a moral center and loyalty to their

If I thought he meant car owners... then he’d still be a reprehensible scumbag that nobody in their right mind ought to vote for, but at least it’d be a policy for the ordinary American. However, he’s going to be subsidizing dealers and manufacturers, to inflate corporate profits while costs will be passed on to

I’d wager quite a few M5 buyers work in downtown offices where low/no emissions zones are a looming threat.

Meh, considering how Elon has devolved into a total POS, him endorsing American Hitler could be a good thing from it backfiring. “Musk is for pathologically lying Donald? Then Biden has to be the better choice.”

V6 Chargers are getting pretty cheap and I have seen plenty with primer-colored and mis-colored body panels.  

The next step for the current SCOTUS is to decide that Corporations are more important that People and that Corporatism is allowed under the US Constitution. After that, they will be agreeing with Stephan Miller, Fuhrer Trump’s appointee to the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor that the American Citizens

Fascists are always hypocrites.

Jim Jordan, the wrestling coach that covered up sexual abuse of his students when he was at Ohio State,

Jim Jordan, the wrestling coach the covered up sexual abuse of his students when he was at Ohio State? Color me surprised. /S

Yep they complain all day about cancel culture while also joyfully participating in it. 

House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary is a Donald-nazi committee since they’re in the majority at the House. Oh look! The chair of that “fact finding” group is tadah! Jim Jordan, one of the all-time worst Donald-nazis lurking in the House:

Yep, stare decisis is dead, the SCOTUS will now just do whatever the hell they want no matter what any other court has decided in the past.

The sooner Elon Mush drops dead from covid or rides a rocket into the sun, the better off this world will be.

Ask Byron Allen how well that went for him.

This has to be one of the dumbest things I have heard in a LONG time, and sadly there is maybe a better than 50/50 chance the court sides with Musk. So he is trying to create some legal REQUIREMENT to advertise with his or any particular platform.