Energy companies just admitted climate change is a global issue?
Energy companies just admitted climate change is a global issue?
Have automakers just decided that the penalty for breaking emissions rules are so low that they don’t care? 146 million hardly sounds like something that GM would concern themselves about.
“Thanks” to the Six Stooges on the Supremes and how they again effed over the American public with their 6-3 decision on the Chevron case:
If you roll those fees in to the lease, you pay $59. If you pay them up front, you pay $19. I spelled that out in the blog.
1. Apply gas guzzler tax across the board.
No they really didn’t. If you don’t sell at least 100k unit a year, it’s really hard to justify building it, unless you also have massive parts commonality with another vehicle (which is the only reason Lincoln still survives).
The Leaf is eligible for a partial federal credit, but almost nothing gets the full $7,500 credit anymore.
I see this as a win-win. Ammosexuals are finally doing something good for their community by shooting down drones. And, if they’re caught, they get their guns taken away and are sent to prison. Like I said, win-win.
Well Amazon and Wal Mart could go the cyberpunk route and establish their own corporate police to punish people who shoot down their property.
The disclosure that Bradley put in the article does not reflect that. It shows MSRP of $30k and residual of $22k with state credit of $8,100 and $1,00 lease cash. So, unless the $7,500 fed credit is rolled into the state one, it isn’t listed.
I had a neighbor with a couple drones that he used for real estate photography. They could take very high resolution photographs.
These things are still noisy and buzzy, right? Call me a NIMBY or whatever, but I don’t want that noise flying around where I live.
It’s apparently quite common for Americans to shoot at
They need to route them over streets and public spaces until they reach their destination, otherwise, exactly this will keep happening (regardless of laws people will keep on doing it). Even knowing they’re usually benign and that I don’t own a firearm I still have a really strong urge to shoot them down around my…
The Federal Aviation Administration punishes any shots fired at drones with the same weight as if you’d opened fire on a Boeing full of passengers.
This is exactly what everyone assumed would happen with delivery drones, so much so that Parks and Rec made a joke about it 7 years ago when Ron Swanson shoots one down in his yard.
If I were GIFTED a Tesla, I’d sell it and buy a Hyundai.
Lol this article was posted for us to laugh at the guy, right? Nobody should feel bad for him. Nobody.
God I wish I was so rich in time and money that my only apparent concern was getting my stupid shiny truck to work.
Seems like the predictable and obvious answer, but that’s for a good reason. I.e., I agree.