
This is such a bad analogy. If I use energy to charge my vehicle, then only one vehicle benefits, but Google AI can tell millions, maybe billions of people how much glue to put on their pizzas. It’s a matter of scale. And glue.

Suspect that in most cities and towns if the police consistently enforced the letter of the law for traffic offenses most folks would be astounded and pissed.

See, he hasn’t learned yet that the job of the cops is to enforce the law for the Rich not against them. He hasn’t learned how to be a happy little stormtrooper yet. He’ll be fired soon enough if he doesn’t though.

Something tells me Spencer has also used the words ‘should have complied with police’ when reacting to yet another unarmed person being shot.

Everybody blames the drivers because the drivers are at fault. There have been two fatalities this month in Cambridge because some jackass in a UHaul didn’t check his mirrors or use his turn signal.

Drivers in the machines capable of causing death bear a greater responsibly to drive carefully.  They misbehave, they hurt others.

I really lusted after these when they were new. A cool and unique design. They were not the most reliable, but for $6k it could be a fun beater as long as you are willing to do a bit of wrenching. 

It’s actually a safety thing. When the car is off, the high-voltage traction battery is completely isolated from the car (and after a crash as well). So in order to connect it, there needs to be a low voltage battery to throw a big-ass relay. And here we are.

Of course not!! It’s a Tesla ffs.

Which is fine, separating the power, but the car should be smart enough to be able to:

Was curious about this too and found this on Motor Trend:

Well, you see, linking the two would require sensible consumer friendly engineering.  That’s not something Tesla does.

The child was lucky it wasn’t a Cybertruck. Firefighters would be no match for its indestructible body and bulletproof glass.

If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...

“As for Sanchez and her Tesla, she says she’s a fan of the brand, but told AZ Family that this latest episode has shaken her faith.”

I saw someone with an Evo 4 in LA a couple weeks ago

Tesla is having a classic problem for an early market leader- They never had to compete with other EVs, so they didn’t have to advertise, they didn’t have to do constant refreshes on their look because they were the market. Their selling point was, “You want an EV that’s good? That’s us.”

I am unlikely to buy a Tesla in the near future because its CEO is a modern day Henry Ford, and there are numerous issues with the EV’s themselves.

100%.  There was zero back track here.  I am so sick of this moron.

I don’t see a walking back or an apology or an admission that he was wrong. I see him obfuscating and trying to pretend he didn’t say the thing everyone saw and heard him say. In addition to telling advertisers to go fuck themselves, repeatedly, he also stated that advertisers NOT advertising on his platform were