
His cult will just claim this is normal and that both sides do it. The problem is that trump is both blatant, unrepentant, to stupid to not get caught, and both sides are not equally bad. This is just straight up bribery and his cult does not care. They will whataboutism this. Then again they want

They don’t actually want to do EVs, though. They have been spending that money because the federal regulations were beginning to shift towards EVs. Now that those regulations are being called into question or being altered to be less strict (and if Trump wins will likely be done away with altogether), you’re going to

Szechuan chicken tax?

Just the big 3?  You don’t think the Japanese or Korean automakers are equally worried?

At this point I feel they are purposely sabotaging the EV market so they can scream about it failing so they can get back to ICE vehicles.

Gotta love the blatant quid pro quo.

Everyone should read the TIME interview - he is unhinged - and dangerously self-(and money)absorbed.

I would argue that unless you are a race driver, all cars are lamer today than yesterday.

If an agent asks you for documents, what you need to provide differs depending on your immigration status. U.S. citizens do not have to carry proof of citizenship on their person if they are in the United States. If you have valid immigration documents and are over the age of 18, the law does require you to carry

That’s the thing with the Q-Anon/MAGA crowd now, they’re moving into “America’s bad, let’s be full-blown Nazis” territory, and they’re going there real quick. From openly supporting Russia/Putin, to trying to subvert elections at every turn, to openly calling for an end to democratic representation to trying to

Ha, the part where he yells “you don’t need to disrespect me” after having already launched cluster f- and b-bombs directly at her is breathtaking.  Love to see someone get what they ask for.

My favorite thing about videos like this is when they all scream they have a right to remain silent but they do anything but remain silent. You ain’t arguing your way out of this one. If you truly believe your words, then live by the motto and accept that you’re going to have to have this battle in court. 

The amount of discretionary police power given to CBP in that rather arbitrary 100 miles from the border limit is frightening. I live close to the border in Washington, and things here tend to be pretty mellow compared to other places, but the presence is always felt, and I’m told that folks in the Latino community

If GMC is so great - why have *Chevy* trucks then? Spending money to make two identical products superficially different is baffling to me. The NY boys were exactly correct - GM just needs TWO brands. One mainstream, one luxury. Preferably with minimal overlap. If they are going to share platforms, fine, do it

someone should have stuck their tongue out. 

You know what? I’m good with seeing pictures of the Titanic. Send the ROVs down to the dead-in-a-millisecond depths and project the images on a big screen. I’ll pretend that the wreck is 5 feet in front of me from 12,000 feet above it.

Both would be faster than one could perceive so equally quick.

“Regulations are written in blood.” Or in this case, tons of tiny little giblets.

It was obviously heavily implied that it was safe,... Do you honestly think that they would get many takers if they advertised “many experienced submariners have told me that this sub is definitely a death trap”?

This is why regulations are necessary. Not all make sense, and can be adjusted or tweaked - but regulations often prevent the tragedies like this one caused by hubris.