
Replacing functional bridges always take a really long time, particularly as people argue about how functional the foundations are, since that is a massive cost saving. Also, getting a DOT to commit multi-year money to a functional structure over all the dysfunctional stuff becomes a very political fight. DOT budgets

I imagine this is like the Chicago Flood of the 90's where they had started the traditional bidding process to fix a known problem, but once it escalated, they just called the best guy for the job and told them to fix it. Not quite as straightforward with building a new bridge, but same principle is probably there. (I’

Good points, and I didn’t know there had already been talks about replacing it.

Those front-end hurdles tend to get a lot shorter when responding to a disaster, like this. I think I read in previous articles that there have actually been talks about replacing the bridge before, so there actually may be a decent amount of front design considerations already started. Either way, when DOTs announce

When it comes to who will foot the bill for the mammoth construction effort, it does seem like it will be mostly down to state and federal officials to cough up the majority of the funds.

I can’t really speak to the cost, but that time frame from today seems, honestly, a bit quick.

I’m old enough to remember the bridge in Maine called the million dollar bridge. Seemed like an astronomical cost. I had guessed this one at a billion. Looks like it will be 2. 

This, the P5 only had the 2.0 FSDE.

I think the Protege5 only came with the 2.0L. As of 2001 the ES came standard with the 2.0 as did the 5, then 2002 DX/LX/ES all got the 2.0.

That’s a quick hell-to-the-no. Between the tacky sticker package, those wheels, and the Pep Boys seat covers, this is a very easy ND.

No way. That is a really fine example of a Terminator Cobra for that money.

yeah, looks like they got the two tone seats to go with the exterior without realizing the donor car had a tan interior, then said “fuck it” and installed them. Not exactly an inverted jenny situation and not a great sign for what’s being presented as a “rare collectible”

This was the last year for the old-school 5.0. I blame Vanilla Ice.

That interior is perplexing. Why did they start with a tan car? Did they not sell these with a black dashboard? It would look a lot less horrible if it was consistently red/black all the way through.

I mean it is a valid place to get your finger caught

There are videos that show other brands working well with similar placement though.  You could argue that its most important in the area he tested as well.

Wait... didn’t that moron see the Tesla carrot video yet??

Maybe, just maybe, if you’re going to do this test don’t put your appendage up near the hinge where mechanical advantage is going to make that frunk wayyyy less sensitive to your moment of bravado.

that’s like using your finger to show off a SawStop table saw.  Dummy. 

Got my fingers shut in the door of a late 60's Impala. Due to small kid fingers and panel gaps of the era, I was trapped in the weather stripping but physically unharmed. Gave mom and I a scare though.