
This would be better worded as, “...as long as the world...”. US is close to or is producing more oil than we consume. But we do still import oil for refining purposes.

PIF is the answer. The be fair, their losses are hard to really figure out. But their gross profit is still negative, so they are definitely not doing a great job of making a profit selling vehicles. Add to that, their Air sedan has maybe the worst resale value I have ever seen, and I am not sure how long they can

Don’t forget that it should also cost under $20k.

This is no good, my daily  commute is 450 miles one way and I tow 7000lbs, I cant wait 20 minutes for it to recharge ! I want a 6000sux

If a buyer gets greedy though and flips it before those six months, they’ll find these parts of the truck’s warranty voided:”

I think I’ve asked this before but perhaps not...

Full disclosure - I walk to work.  I hardly drive except for fun and sometimes getting groceries.

Right... could be titled: Start-up is in the money-losing phase... can they make it to profitability?

I feel like this headline was also written for Tesla 10 years ago.

The Prius has always been an excellent car, and even surprisingly capable on the right roads. It’s a perfectly serviceable car, and is really no better or worse to drive than any other comparable economy car.

Second+ gen Prius handles pretty well since the weight is down low, and it’ll scoot when you goose it. It’s kind of like a Subaru Outback - the car will hustle, it’s the driver who won’t.

A curious thing - in Japan, Prii have a massive following, and people have been modding Prii for performance since their inception. There are even a couple of different monthly publication devoted for Prii. Ever since the 2nd generation, Prius chassis is actually not bad at all, it just weren’t tuned for performance

All cars have fixed prices. Just pay whatever the asking price is, just like Tesla. But don’t bitch about not getting the best deal.

Devil’s Advocate:

That is not a real price. That is “I have to have it for sale to keep it in inventory, but I don’t really want to sell it price”. Unless some dumbass comes along and is willing to pay it, of course. Then the dealer principal smiles all the way to the bank. And along the way, free publicity.

Wasn’t bright to do before airbags but it is especially dumb now, don’t see many stories thankfully but when they happen it’s a mess, well the passenger is a mess as so many things get fractured and displaced at once.

I see this daily. after an accident the x-rays are something to see. wow. 

Problem is this and many things more heavily impact the very young, and we were all young and did very dumb things at some point.

On a related note, propping your feet on the dashboard is just as dangerous. Do you like your own knees being launched at your face and having your legs and hips maimed? Because that’s very likely to happen when the airbag explodes under your feet!

Seems like a good place to post this.