
There are two issues with EVs.

Sorry, I meant to say only US brands that are available here. I am honestly not too sure any of those brands really make it to the US. Maybe they do, but as of now, they are not. 

Outside of Tesla, the only new pure EV companies that have a real shot at being around in 5 years as a standalone company are Rivian and Lucid. Lucid only has a chance because of the money they have behind them. I guess Fisker, due to their contract build model could maybe have a shot, but I don’t expect them to ever

You can’t buy a base Ocean right now, btw.

Despite the cuts, neither the Fisker Ocean nor the Lucid Air is a cheap car to buy right now. A base Ocean SUV starts at $38,999 ......”

I am going to go a different direction and go with the Class A or Class C RV.

Excellent question. I am an older GenX-er, I hope that I never drive anything made in the 50s-80s ever again. They were horrid and have only negative nostalgia for me. Prices may fall eventually.

The national security costs of reliance on foreign oil are extremely expensive indirect subsidies to internal combustion engine cars.

Claim: after accounting for direct and indirect subsidies, including various government subsidies, the “True Cost” to fuel an EV on a per-gallon-equivalent basis is $17.33.

When an EV owner connects to the electric grid, how much are they paying for the extra generation, transmission, and distribution costs that they are imposing on the grid, and will those embedded costs rise over time?

And the third-highest consumer of electric vehicles after California and Florida.

If I ever get to the point that I need to prostitute myself (i.e. screw others for money) as much as the authors of this report apparently need do, it’s time to exit this world.

If an org has a vested interest in presenting an extremely effed-up view of the world, why should you believe it?

Fully on board for the z32 TT being “under” valued vs. same era FD’s and Supra’s.

Can’t speak to the values, perceived or actual, of these, but after seeing this:

That bubble-topped Porsche is hilarious.

Not a RAV4 but last time I did the oil change on my newish 4runner I noticed the battery hold down was loose. Not sure if they just don’t torque them down that much from the factory or what but it certainly could’ve been a problem.

I had heard the Blue Beetle movie wasn’t very good

...bulletproof to almost all subsonic projectiles” does not necessarily mean...will be penetrated by any supersonic projectile”. I get the silliness of the entire enterprise but I think you’ve reached past what he claimed.

While this is a thinly veiled attempt to deter their own workers from unionizing and/or leaving for a UAW position, this pay raise is welcome, despite Toyota having ulterior motives. From a real world worker’s perspective, a pay raise is better than not having a pay raise, and I doubt any of them would complain about