
Disagree on Bangle, BMW’s mid 00s designs don’t really hold up. I like the E90, but that’s it. The upside down headlights just make the car look dopey.

Domestic power-top convertibles of this era are an automatic “no” for me. They tend to be overly complicated, difficult to work on, and impossible to source parts for. Unless you live in SoCal, it’s unlikely you’re going to find a person who knows how to repair it, you could easily dump $10k into teaching someone to

Sounds like what other companies (including Ford with ST cars) offer for people who buy their performance cars.  I’m guessing GT/Eco owners are going to get an autocross course, while DH buyers get a proper track day.

not pumping billions into All-Electric like other manufacturers

but nothing about this is sporty.

It’s just not enough applied torque to be useful.

Listen. I get it. Previous versions of the Camry weren’t much to write home about.

But use of AI for the packaging of the vehicle is something I see all car manufacturers implementing AI ASAP

Easy solution: Ford will use this to justify increasing the prices on the Shelby models.

Then enthusiasts should put their money where their mouth is and buy a GR86. It’s there.

Enthusiasts are always begging mainstream manufacturers to build wild performance cars,

Just wait until you start seeing street mustangs with that spoiler setup.

Prius cars, or Prius Hybrid Vehicles, is Toyota’s official format for the plural form of Prius.

Not only square footage, but cubed footage. British homes don’t often have the 9-10-12ft ceilings found in American homes. Plus, American homes sometimes don’t include finished basements in square footage calculations (a fact that always baffled me, but it lowers my property taxes, so I’m good with it).

over 246K miles!

I’d rather go to sleeper city and have a more stock looking Malibu with the turbo, though.

Considering it costs more than I make in a year,

Maybe dense urban areas need to be better about public transportation and lack of charging infrastructure is the kick in the ass that they need to make it happen. Personal transportation makes little sense to most people in a dense urban area.

Is this a late April fools joke? This looks like a four-seater F Type with a photoshopped Maserati grill and port holes.

Hell, they already call tall, 4-door, mid-sized cars coupes.