It’s beautiful, but too much money for a “driver” and I imagine it is not special enough to sit preserved in a collection. I vote ND.
It’s beautiful, but too much money for a “driver” and I imagine it is not special enough to sit preserved in a collection. I vote ND.
Ah just like I was saying yesterday, a perfect candidate for Electrification.
I was a reluctant NP until the salvage title thing. ND.
Is it really that hard to pay for the things you use?
Joke’s on the capsule, it’s probably the -least- deadliest thing in Western Australia!
Cue “Yakety Sax”.
It’s a Jeep thing......
“I’m trying to sell it! It isn’t my fault nobody is interested.” — guy who doesn’t really want to sell it
ND - Dented, ripped and looking like a $40 motel room after a trucker’s party. Rare but almost dead is how I see this sad Audi. It’s a $2,000 car for someone who craves it, at best.
“PistenBully” does sound like a German sex toy.
Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.
Monks need vacations too.
Hot take: nothing GM made in 1988 is worth $19,500.
Yes, because lithium ion batteries never ever catch on fire....
You never see Marjorie Taylor Green and Dog the Bounty Hunter in the same room together, either.
Ah man this was a tough. I really like the no frills purity of the car, meaning no much to break kind of thing. However, the dash rug was put on a little to late because it looks totally cracked already. The seats don’t match because they were probably swapped from another car but even then the drivers side looks…
How much Camel Cash does it cost for chemotherapy?
im alright with it being slow. ive got a motorcycle for fast times. base motor with the large battery pack would work just fine for me. itd be quicker than the element im driving now.