
That's pretty much how I was raised. Then you really appreciate when you get to put the station on what you like for once.

I busted out laughing at "What does the fox say?". OMG so funny. Good to be single and childless. I snowboarded all weekend. You breeders have fun. Much respect :)

I had no idea about this. I mean what the fuck.

Thanks for this. I find it interesting that the murderers and victims both claim the "devil" was involved and responsible.

Wow. That is so deep. Having your husband killed and then your sons and then your daughters and then having to bury them into the latrine in which they were thrown? And then forgiving the man that was an accomplice and taking a picture with him? These people are above me on whatever created scale of morality is

Wow wut?

Fuck, you're so lucky. I'd eat a baby for 2 ambien, or a zanax (the long bar ones). Plus they have rejuvanating properties in soup form, so: "two birds one rock." Like my mom says. It would be a splendid way to end the week with a red glass of wine!



I had all four taken out at once at 25 yoa. Best week ever.


Yes! I love when Flaca flipped out on Tasty over the King Cone! It was so reminiscent of my high school days. Thinking I could take on bigger people than myself and then after all the slapping and posturing becoming bff's. I think there is a lot more to come with Flaca and the Latin crew. The part were Flaca was going

Me too, the first one tripped me out. I was all, NO, NOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO.

OMG have fun. Do you have a flicr or something where you will put pics up? Instagram? I have to see!!! I'm too poor to do anything cool!

We will see. There are so many issues with pets today. Overpopulation is one of them and after working in Miami where dogs are put down because of their breed or sent to Broward where they may or may not find a home I tend to side with the organizations. There was a lot of dog fighting going on in Miami when I was

Well you have certainly made me come around. I've worked at animal care facilities from shelters to permanent home facilities for wild animals that can't go back to the wild. I may have jumped the gun from my experiences with abused animals making me sensitive to neglect. I've read several posts where loved dogs have

Well maybe they will get their dog back and expose this racket of stealing dogs that Karma has going on with the shelter? Keep me posted.