
My dad had one of these when I was a kid. He would strap me in on the hump seat in the back and fly down I95 while I yelled "YAY!' he also built me a go-cart when I was 6 and now I'm an adult female that snowboards better than most guys I know and drives a WXR. Here's to all the dad's that include their daughters in

Honda is the worst when it comes to corporate and how they treat women, temps, and minorities, nevermind the environmental advertising while the cafeterias only stock styrofaom clams shells for food and cups. I worked for them for 5 years so I know. THE. WORST.

LOL @ Hello Kitty! I have the 2012 Premium package. That being said I do want to get a cold air intake and brembro brakes when I finish paying it of next Dec. My mom owns one and she doesnt live where it snows she lives where it rains and she was the one that recommended the car to me for when I go snowboarding. It's

First of all Fuck you. Second of all, you obviously can't read a linked article. Oh and fuck you.

I own a blue wrx and a guy at the gass station asked me if it was my boyfriends car. I pointed at my Hello Kitty steering wheel and told him yes, we are both big Hello Kitty enthusiasts. His confusion was priceless. It could be that that were true. HK convention is coming and I'm sure I'll see many artsy guys there.

Thank you. The level of reading comprehension here of late....

Tell him I have a friend that suggested "anthropomorphized Miss Piggy". But I think she's ok.

Came here to post this.

That's awesome. You got this!

OH you respect her individuality and intelligence? Well I take it all back then! Hats off to you! If I were elected Queen of the world I would bestow upon my people one wild exotic bird to every man and woman in the nation that respected the individuality and intelligence of birds, a chicken in every oven and a parrot

You know what, this is just more of a reflection of your greed and self absorbed nature. This and your other post. You enjoy your third generation captivity bird. For the love of...

Why's my heart gotta be black? Can't it be white like snow cause its cold and icy?

Dude I need to find a guy with a longer penis.

Oh yeah I know about him. There was one on Discovery channel that could somehow describe what the owner was looking at in a picture while she was in a completely other room. Jane Goodall was hosting the documentary. I'm gonna try and find it for you.

Ugh yeah we had a lot of sad bald bird cases. The argument that it is legal that I've heard from owners and stores (not that you are making a case for it) is just as laughable as the legality of plucking baby orcas from the ocean and killing their mothers so that they dont follow the ship screaming. (Blackfish

Damn that's a nice compliment considering I'm contemplating whether to make an appointment to see a Dr today and get anxiety meds. Everything in my head just happens so quickly!!! Thanks :)

PUtting on my list now. Thanks

Only for good and to escape danger. Therapy has helped.