
2 extra doors, useable back seat, hatch back practicality. Year round traction (I live in the northeast) & it's a hell of a lot more special than a run of the mill GT.

Doug ruined Aston Martin’s F1 efforts with his warranty.

Lego has been killing my wallet lately.

Better than the wheel to wheel ice racing you did last year?

1. We cover anything that moves (see: trains)

I bet he got off at the wrong station.

For the discerning BMW M4 owner in your life.

I hope it’s a tractor.

Not with that attitude :]

Wow...that was an awesome read. Bravo, Raph!

There’s no reason you can’t customize it further if you have that kind of money in the first place. I’m sure if you volunteer enough money they will give you a custom livery. Money always talks.

How can something which has never lived truly be alive? But alas, what does it actually mean ‘to live’? Does a 996 not feel pain when its IMS bearings fail, resulting in catastrophic engine failure? Does an All Road not suffer from indignity when driving around on a sagging suspension, forcing its owner to commute to

Man if that doesn’t remind me of a can of Coors.

Just dropped by to throw in my support for Duesen (or however he wants his name abbreviated; I’m not typing it out every time). A pic without flash on an object like a car is not hurting anyone. To me, it’s just capturing a memory. It’s not going to be used to make money off someone’s art.

the design process

The guy never had kids, only married women older or younger than him, and was reportedly quite liked fitness, which is all sort of 1920s code for him being gay.

Or maybe, heavens forbid, they don’t care want internet keyboard jockeys think and drive the car because they love it.