
what a refreshingly honest approach to admitting having been dishonest.

Did you seriously just mix up Jimmie Johnson and Tony Stewart (and that kid killed himself, clueless).

What? You’re clueless. That was a different driver entirely.

It’s good enough for a 250gto.

Nah, Internet has moved onto Clock Boy

Most cringeworthy video I’ve seen in a while. Can ferrari use their super douche powers to confiscate this car from this particular ass clown. I mean they send out cease and desist orders all the time for lesser things right?? I can’t image it would be to hard to find the owner either.


You and Lewis Hamilton.

I also wash my car in the company of a photographer

I see the future of Nissan wilting away.

They totally should. Jaguar’s halo supercars have sold SO WELL in the past, why not have one now???

Economy car has economy interior we’ll update this story as it develops


Oh my fucking God. Jaguar is British.

hot take bro

Pictured: Patrick doing performance reviews

First off, you in no way shape or form sound like an ass. If anything I sounded a bit like an ass with the way i phrased it.

At least three more.