probably! they strategically position them about halfway down the strip too, just in case lol
probably! they strategically position them about halfway down the strip too, just in case lol
As many as you want. Just good luck getting it home after you run out of charge after 5 fast laps.
do you have literally anything to add to the discussion other than that phrase? have you ever even driven an STI or are you just talking out your ass?
So true about the crashes and bugs. And have you been in the paint studio or vinyl area? Why the hell did they make it so dark in there?? I couldn’t see shit, it was hard to tell between differences in darkness of paint and line up decals right because the lighting was so piss poor.
I don’t think anyone will buy into it now, but as the article says, some people did before they corrected their “mistake” (a.k.a. intentional misleading).
The day before FM7 came out for me (I was an unfortunate victim of thinking the VIP was worth a shit in my preorder) I played FM4 for a minute just for fun. I shouldn’t have, because it just pissed me off that Fujimi wasn’t making a return, yet again.
I’ve played every version since FM4 and I have to agree. 4 really had something special. FM7 obviously looks better, but I miss the simplicity that 4 had. It was a racing game, and that was it. In pretty much every race in career mode you could choose between a “specialty” class, or just an open race. Buy whatever you…
That grille shape reminds me of a volvo p1800
“FIA Formula One World Driver’s Championship”
That’s definitely the smart way to do it, rushing to buy an exotic is probably never a smart idea
Yup, 612 is probably the way to go for a recent Manual V12, although it might be easier to track down a 550 if they’re willing to a bit older!
The 599 GTO wasn’t available with a manual, just the 599 GTB’s. And I think the California was the car with the 3 manuals, because as far as I know, Ferrari never disclosed the official number of manual 599 GTB’s. But yes, absolutely very rare either way! In fact, I think one of those California’s just recently sold…
It’s funny because Nic Cage actually owned a 599 at one time... and it was a manual! One of the the very very few.
Carlos Sainz Jr. is the deer (not fox) and the bunny. Gutierrez was not part of the press conference today...
The black roof on the Magnum PI is because the roof on a 308 GTS is black...
Not making a political statement here (necessarily), but you have to admit this is way cooler than Obama’s Chrysler 300 (…)
Venturi likes their Ferrari designs, don't they? That thing is 355 from the A-pillar back. And they also made that F40 thing too.