You get a participation award for that one.
You get a participation award for that one.
Not mentioned in the ad, but I believe the point of this doomasloshal is designed to break windows and there is a seatbelt cutter too. A 75 year old driving an XLR might need to use this anytime he gets in/out of the car anyway. It’s something like $13 at Walmart.
A 75 year old man can not get his legs up to kick out a windshield either. I consider myself very informed on cars and a handy person but I didn’t know my Outback’s rear hatch handle was not mechanical until it stopped working. I had to use the owners manual and a forum post to figure out how to fix it. If I didn’t…
Many years ago, I lived in Chattanooga. The city started offering property tax cuts and incentives to get people to use abandoned nasty old buildings. Lots of similar complaints were bad about sweetheart deals and giving away the farm when the city was already broke and ....
It goes back way further than the first generation Tacoma. All the early “trucks” had problems too.
Yea, I thought the whole point of living in a city was that you didn’t need a car or rarely used one because of public transportation or walking.
Full charge in 5 minutes and a range of nearly 500 miles. Then it’ll fully compete with gasoline cars.
They fixed range anxiety?
I think that her point that the Trans Community, by using Jenner and by taking her money and her fame, are becoming complicit is really perceptive and wise. If that Trans Community is that opposed to Jenner’s actions and beliefs, they should stop using her.
The funny thing is, the Mayor and most of our city officials are people trying to paint their actions as incompetent (which they aren’t so far) to make Republicans look bad are way off the mark.
Their argument is probably* accurate, and either of the new bills would likely impact them as both use the same restructuring process creating federal spending limits. In 2020, the cap would be based on per capita costs in 2016. **
Except that law abiding families DO have a path to citizenship. It’s breaking the law by entering or staying illegally that makes obtaining citizenship difficult.
Not entirely sure how taking less than 5 seconds to go from “Sir, I’m just letting you know I have a gun on me” to “Don’t pull it out! *8 gunshots*” isn’t murder.
The Black Panthers can, right?
As long as they don’t directly incite violence during their rally then yes they do have the right, also technically speaking they aren’t the same entity as any of the other number of KKK groups either past or present and therefore can’t be held responsible for their actions legally. I despise having to be the one to…
You’re such an evolved person, aren’t you? Such a bastion of liberal progressivism. Yep! You personify the left, and their moral superiority.*
*in other words, you’re an intolerant asshole for posting this. You show that you’re no better than the worst Republican out there when you post shit like this, and you only…
lol. He was “screaming in pain” while keeping his hands underneath him and grabbing his pants leg for leverage.