
Worked so great for getting rid of Clinton, didn’t it?

57 states.

No, they have not. My 2013 Avalanche is outside of warranty, and is nothing but rust now. GM won’t do anything, since it’s out of warranty. They probably aren’t worried because they believe the steel itself won’t rust to dangerous levels before the truck is over 10 years old, and at that point they will say “it’s 10

My 2013 Avalanche with 20,000 miles has a frame that looks like these Toyota’s. I’ve only ever bought GM all my life, this may be my last one.

GM has similar issues. First with all it’s trucks brake lines, which they still haven’t done anything about for 20 years. And recently for their truck frames rusting like this too. My 2013 avalanche with just 20,000 miles on it is starting to look exactly like these toyota frames. So much for GMs “tough steel”. :(

Bringing 5000 of your employees in to improve a city that has business’s with razor wire fences seems to be an awful lot of “giving back” to me..

Let’s say all of the USA makes it illegal to give tax breaks. It just means they will all move to countries that do.. Saving hundreds of millions of taxes to companies like Ford GM, Exxon, make it more than worth moving to even another country..

It didn’t hurt Southfield when they got all the buildings Detroit gave up because they refused to give tax breaks under Young.. Even the middle class blacks from Detroit have moved from the city to Southfield. If you need any proof that refusing to entice corporations with tax breaks works, there’s your perfect

Instead, they will do what every other company in Detroit did when Detroit stopped doing these tax breaks, and spend their couple hundred million in Southfield or some other suburb. GM only moved back down town because the ren-cen was silly cheap to buy. (PS, GM gets breaks for the rencen..)

Sounds like your city is misspending it’s income..

Um, Detroit water is one of the best in the country. 

I hear that works in China! Maybe you would be happier living there?

They guy new his battery was flat too. He knew it was an electric door latch. This all sounds like a made up problem for suing.

Sooo, no auto drive cars for you I guess?

The Corvette/XLR is like sitting in a tube too. You aren’t getting your feet up to kick anything.

Doesn’t everyone have a seatbelt cutter/window breaker device in the glovebox? (mine are built into a flashlight too)?

Some very expensive cars have some pretty crazy starting procedures..

After the last guy died in his Corvette because he didn’t know about the latch, GM mailed a 1 sheet instruction on the manual latch. I bet this guy got it and threw it away.

I saw some god awful SUV, painted monochrome white. It had a Honda badge on it. Now I realize it’s this. It looked like a SUV with mumps..
