The woods that Trump will open up to deforestation and fracking?
The woods that Trump will open up to deforestation and fracking?
Oh Joan, I hear ya. Dated a guy that would fuck for hours of you let him. After a while I felt like a blow up doll. Should have reached for a book.
I opt to have the Mountain be my champion.
One really telling article was a profile the NYTimes did about Obama and how he spends hours alone every evening engaging in contemplation and preparing and just THINKING about the issues and problems of the country. This careful consideration and evaluation of, well, EVERYTHING is what a president has to do in order…
NPR did an interview with the ghost writer of Donald Trump’s first book, and one of the things he said was that Trump has an unbelievably short attention span. So short he couldn’t sit down to be interviewed for his own book for more than five minutes at a time. A lot of people are attributing his incoherence and…
Why all the hate on gladiator sandals, Trump is crocs
Every time one of my acquaintances shares that nonsense on Facebook, I want to scream, “This is the propaganda your history books warned you about!”
Well said.
Probably Dickensian level bad.
How much better could our society be if we treated prisoners not only like human beings but actually like citizens? We expect them to serve their time and then rejoin society, but we completely dehumanize them the entire time they’re in prison. What purpose does that serve?
Many people are saying he’s on the cocaine... Many terrific tremendous people... the best people! Is he on the cocaine? I don’t know, you tell me... But many people are saying he is.
Best part is that it was on TV.
yeah, I noticed she went with the actor’s, not the character’s, name there.
Yeah, to be clear I’m not speaking of anything to do with vaccinations, really. Just pointing out that we all have good reasons to be skeptical in general.
Couple of thoughts: I know some hoarders who have been okay when relocated. In this case, they went to Florida, they had a place to stay that was sparsely furnished, no one mentioned the clutter back home, and after a couple of months they were like: oh, we don’t care about any of that stuff, and the children were…
I have no idea how to handle that so really no advice to give but just want to send hugs because yeah that would be very very upsetting to see your parents do :(
Yeah, borax in the laundry sounds pretty dangerous. I’ve used borax for getting rid of staining caused by hard water in ceramic toilet bowls, cause it is less harmful for the environment than using bleach, but... what is wrong with soap?
I think I need to save this gif for the 5th or 6th post I read about tonight’s debate tomorrow morning.
You can apply that logic/advice to people on both sides of the political spectrum.
I think Heidi straps one on and makes him call her “Madam President.”