This is like when my ex-sister in law said I didn’t have any right to an opinion over something because my wife and I “weren’t really married”. Well bitch, it wasn’t legal for us to get married!
Yep. The eyeball popping out as he tried to speak and then the heads being beaten like that. I’m out. There was no good reason to do that. It was disturbing, but not in a way that made me want to watch anymore.
When he started pointing and screaming at Kelly about how to do her job, they should have just run a graphic of the definition of “mansplaining” instead of him talking.
My deepest condolences to you. That’s so young! You take care.
I keep saying this. You KNOW this guy has gotten some women pregnant who then had abortions. I’m waiting for them to come forward.
My 96 year old grandma has dementia. She repeats herself every five minutes. She asks the same questions over and over. She mixes up people and when things happened in time.
Well said!!
Well I don’t see any point in being fatalistic and accepting a terrible problem. Why do that?
Actually they are debating building one here in San Francisco. And they need to start building them in other places too. It’s the only way out of this mess.
I’m just hoping she offers him a Tic Tac this time. Especially if he goes all creeper and follows her around again. Just whip around and say “would you like a Tic Tac?” It would be brilliant.
Uhh....we could try not putting mentally ill people in prison and put them in a secure mental hospital instead?
My union got me a raise so big I had to make my representative repeat it to make sure I heard him right. My union has my back and I certainly participate as much as I can.
YES. This.
Eh. I see what you are saying but I think it is helpful to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. When adjusted for inflation, most people are making the same wages they were in the 1970s yet cost of most things (food, gas, housing) has risen dramatically. So people aren’t a slave to the low price by choice…
We put people in jail for being mentally ill. Then put them in solitary confinement. THAT is the actual crime here.
So we put him in JAIL?? Then in solitary confinement??
Don’t underestimate Oregon rednecks, even in the blue part of the state. They can be crazy. I got chased by Nazi gay bashers in Corvallis.
I was in the middle of writing a similar post then saw yours. Everyone who is at risk for HIV should be told about prEP, and Michael Weinstein objects to this for non-scientific moral reasons.
Michael Weinstein has also been very vocal against the use of prEP, which is a prophylactic medication people can take to avoid contracting HIV. When taken properly it reduces your chance of contracting it by 95+%. Even when taken about half the time it reduces your chances 70%.