I think we are going to see large increases in hate crimes, but as far as the legion of Trump morons having an armed uprising I don’t think that’s going to happen.
I think we are going to see large increases in hate crimes, but as far as the legion of Trump morons having an armed uprising I don’t think that’s going to happen.
How was your recovery? I had a partial thyroidectomy a long time ago and I don’t remember the recovery being bad at all, but I’m a little unsure what to expect. (Obviously the lymph nodes and drain would automatically make yours more complicated.)
I once removed a botfly larvae from a pregnant woman’s butt cheek. The area around the larvae was infected and I squeezed pus out for like 5 minutes before I could even see the little sucker and pull him out with tweezers.
Oh shit. I’m having a thyroidectomy next week. Needing a drain never occurred to me.
Oh no you had a pus man-purse. My deepest condolences as someone who had a drain last year attached to my pelvic area. I hope yours didn’t smell bad because I will never for the rest of my life forget the way mine smelled.
I work at a butt clinic and I have definitely seen patients come in wearing that shirt. And others with butt jokes. We love it.
Wow your doctor is a sicko! I’m impressed. :)
Oh the recovery from that surgery was SO SO painful! I couldn’t eat really solid food for weeks after.
Yes, it was horrifying. I coughed one up too and nearly vomited afterwards. I had tonsils that were horrific and yellow for like 2 years before they FINALLY decided to remove them.
Apparently at a rally here in California a bunch of people were paid to hold “hispanics for Trump” signs. The next morning I was sitting next to a Latinx family at breakfast and the mom said a bunch of things I didn’t follow in Spanish followed by “ellos son HELLA blancos”.
#2: “Oh it’s great news that your pelvic abscess is draining! The bag attached to your body <pus-purse>is now filling up with infected blood that literally smells like death. Aren’t you thrilled it’s finally getting better?”
#1: I had chronic tonsillitis and my doctor looked at my pus filled tonsils with tonsil stones and said “wow those are the raunchiest tonsils I’ve ever seen! Look at those tonsil stones!”
Have you seen Black Mirror?
The baristas at my local Starbucks are HUGE supporters of my war on Christmas.
This asshat was a NEUROSURGEON. Could you imagine if you had Ben Carson operate on your brain and now had to hear how dumb he is? Wouldn’t you be terrified he left a sponge in there or something?
I can see how Kellyanne Conway will get another job. The way she spins the things that come out of his mouth is morally reprehensible, but damn is she good at it.