
Nope. He’s an anal abscess that turns into a fistula. (Google it. I work in a butt clinic you would not believe how disgusting these are.)

That was Van Jones that said that. <3 <3

Well given that he is physically repulsive and one of the most repugnant humans alive, she had to have married him for the money. Most certainly she signed a pre-nup too I’m sure. So I’m thinking she has to stick around.

I hate to say it but my first thought was ELUDING not ALLUDING.

That’s not surprising. It’s mainly genetic. My mom’s cat had nearly all her teeth pulled by the time she died even though my mom spoiled her rotten. My cat had all of her perfect teeth until she died at 15.


Well you can do this but it is illegal and sometimes you can get in trouble for it. Sometimes for illegal prostitution. If they can’t prove that sometimes they charge you with tax evasion.

Like Alice’s chart on the L word?

Thanks for your work! This is so so important.

I had so much rage about this during and after Katrina. I used to live in NOLA, and you just can’t really understand the poverty there unless you’ve had contact with it. Many of those people couldn’t evacuate with any amount of notice.

I openly judge and mock people voting for this asshat. It’s not even just Libertarianism in general (although I have empathy so I don’t believe in it), but this guy. He’s so fucking dumb! How many times does he have to show people how dumb he is before they won’t vote for him?? His own running mate is ditching him.

Related/Unrelated-I had a hysterectomy last year and wound up developing a pelvic abscess after surgery. (This is the origin of my gross user name.) When I first developed the abscess all of my abdominal and pelvic muscles clenched. I couldn’t even stand up straight. I was doubled over and physically unable to stand.

When I went to Graceland I stayed at a crappy hotel across the street that had a guitar shaped swimming pool and a channel that played Elvis movies 24/7.

Exactly. Just like “resisting arrest” is code for “got the beat down”. I have witnessed cops on several occasions yell “stop resisting!” while assaulting or roughing up someone who clearly was not resisting.

I have a friend whose husband is almost 40 years older than him. They’ve been together 18 years. Obviously they love each other, but if he had been able to think at 30 what it would be like to be relatively young and watch your 87 year old husband nearing the end of his life, I’m not sure if he would have done things

I’m genuinely not sure. I do think that this asshat and his repulsive family don’t at all understand the gravity of what he did, and certainly doing whatever necessary to ensure he understands that would be more useful than locking him in a cage if the goal is to get him not to do it again. If the goal is simply to

I don’t mean this to come out snarky, but do you know anyone who has been to prison? That toxic environment really only produces more criminals. While a few people clean up their act most just become more hardened and therefore likely to repeat offend.

I worship Samantha Irby. I joke about moving to Chicago so I can accidentally run into her and be her new BFF.

I feel your pain in this. I think one of my cats thinks her name is “Junoshutthefuckup”.

My cat tries to sleep on my boyfriend’s face. I think it’s territorial. He thinks he’s the only man for me and does not appreciate evidence to the contrary.