
"Iron Man 3's writer"

What a great event!

I used to be an insufferable prick. Then, I bought an iWatch and now all I can talk about is this incredible piece of technology attached to my arm that also communicates with my iPhone while backing up all the while to my iCloud on my iMac, which also cost about $3,000 but it was totally worth it because my entire

Gold Apple Watch: When just being a regular douchebag is not enough.

cool, still won't buy it though

The Shield presents Jen-Hsun Huang

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).

I got a gold Mal'Ganis from a pack last week, and oh my god have I been playing warlock nonstop since. Mal'Ganis out on turn 4 thanks to someone killing my Voidcaller? Yeah, I'm cool with that, thanks for the help.

I crafted two. It is a blast turning 1/1 minions into monsters. Add two abusive sergeants and a couple things with divine shield & Taunt. Have fun. Ihatefoxnews#1755 hmu

I usually stick to only Pally. It may not be the best class atm but it is the one I have the best cards for and enjoy playing.

I will always pally. Don't even have Fordring, but my hobgoblin/swordofjustice/jeeves deck is a blast. For Justice!

Or you could just play basic decks, collect your daily quest gold, and play arena, and build up cards over time. Did you get Dr. Boomed one too many times?

All hail the glorious PC master race.

Sounds like someones jealous that she cant whip it out discretely and relieve herself...

Everyone is gonna be a killer bee swarm. Seriously invest in netting.

You can just buy the dress...unless you mean a cheap knock-off version

I am certain you will be able to buy the dress as a costume.

Did I stutter?