
The mess they leave behind I guess- don't let it get to you!

Haha I know me too, I remember my uncle showing me how to do what he thought the level select cheat was on Sonic- mashing buttons until the ring sound! (Which of course eventually meant you somehow got the "up, down, left, right" in time out of chance) Sometimes they had fake codes in too you know, iirc some of the

Did you not look in the back of the ol' Playstation mags? They used to have cheat codes there! :D That's how I remember looking up some things, and word of mouth in the playground too of course.

Good point! The last COD game I played...oh...I can't even remember...a LONG time ago.

Welp gone are the days of enjoying a "story" on your own then...at least in some genres. Good thing that others don't all jump on the bandwagon.

Personal choice is cool- but let the players earn it first. It's a game- as others have said if you just skip to the end what's the point of it being a game? "Because I can" doesn't apply to everything.

...remember level select cheats?

Yeah for Co-op this kind of thing has been around for a while now~ I remember joining people on LBP back in the day and being over my head! :D But for SP? Nah...play the damn game yourself :V

Rolex is a brand- an expensive one. I think it's more "I can afford this" over "This tells the time"..but yeah any ol' watch (that works of course!) can tell the time~

Same kinda thing- depends on how you're viewing said media I guess :P

But...you don’t skip to the end of a movie...to watch the end. You watch the whole movie. :I

Sick minded individual.

I think that was "Praise the Sun"....maybe....close enough C:

Welp- all my hopes and dreams smashed of being talented...

Cold pizza is rank and horrible. FITE

More expensive but more filling option:

This is glorious. 10/10

Came here just for this- was not disappointed!

Tony Hawk himself could not be contacted- he was last seen stuck waist deep and head first in the nearest skate-park.

Hands up anybody here who can afford this...?