
Anybody remember V-Rally 2 on the PSX? :D Making your own tracks was so much fun! Used to make realllllllyyyy tall hills and dive bomb off the top...good times

Probably a Saudi prince

That fucking game...better than Mario Kart 64 any day. Part of my childhood right there! That and Nitro Kart were the only two decent Crash racing games!

PETA deserve no respect or even words- this is what they want- people reporting on their shit advertising "attempt"

Well isn’t THAT a surprise. :I

Man I used to play Wave Race on my sister’s Yellow Gameboy back in the day! Never was good at it though...I preferred Super Mario Land C:

So now we'll be pirating cut-out templates now? ...mmmmm

...and you know what's cool? It just keeps getting better! Imagine the near(ish) future when we'll be getting more and more of this kind of stuff!

That's all good and well...but HOW ABOUT 9?!

I think he's just a tiny lil' man in that last photo!

Thanks? I’d like some Thanks once in a fucking while...

I was neat that the original Xbox supported it quite well- used to love putting my music through on the ol' Burnout games!

It did in some games like Little big planet 2- not sure about others though...didn't play a whole bunch of other games xD

Haha...first time I've heard Red XIII called a tiger- but yeah, you regain Aeris back from Shinra

Images of FF7 in my head here...not a bad thing! :D

So long as it's better than 2012 "blowjob" one us UK people dealt with... :P

No just this whole scene thing in general


Yeah me too- it's a little off putting because I don't have my browser window full-screen~