
...the possibilities are (almost) endless! Just look at what happened to GTA V!

Bleed somewhere else


How long till horse/dog player models do you think?

This is one of the games that is swaying me to buying a Wii-U ...but gonna hold out till any console news first...don't want to buy one only to find a better and cheaper alternative is being done!

Was my first look into it, not going to lie watching people play like that was pretty nifty!

Your name amuses me! :D

Fallout 4: Elder Scrolls Edition?

Looks totally fun- I'm still on the wall about getting a new console- but I am tempted by a Wii-U to get my platformer on~ Holding out until E3 though just in-case of any console news.

Never really thought about the first game- so the interest isn't there...should probably check it out some time I guess

I think that could be for the console versions- mouse wheel or the 1-9 keys would be for the PC peoples

Hearthstone eventually came to Android- and loads of people use it, so it'll happen.

I actually stayed up to watch the Nintendo Championships 2015- I guess this popped on afterwards. Totally forgot!

Being Jewish isn't a race :V

Does the game know what to know at you based on how you make your character look?


I hope so too C:
Not going to be splashing out just yet for new hardware though, Fallout isn't for me either but I wish the best!

Those who got off their fat asses complaining why the console games hold everyone back, that 60fps is king, that PCs are the best thing EVVVVEERRR and bitch and complain because they can’t change their settings to precise and ‘sperger level of details.

Everyone will complain about F4 too- probably the graphics or some shit.

Welcome to the 21st century