
For the customers~ :P Unless we're talking more complicated lenses and materials (which need to be factory tinted because of coatings etc) then price rises. Standard Pentax lenses for SVD/SVI/SVN are actually pretty cheap.

Well Vita is portable...~!

They smell like GREED and LACK OF BUG TESTING...

Stop fucking saying fucking before everything fucking word.

Should I reply with grumpy cat "GOOD" pic? Nah not today C:

I have no interest in any of them. But see all of this plastered over the is...eh...it is the internet

Wait ANOTHER one? What is this...Sportsball 2015 Creepy Edition?

An ACTUAL oozing arsehole shaped cake?

My sister got me 3 Bjork CDs for Christmas! She and her friend were listening to her back in the day while everyone in her school was into the backstreet boys!

Plaid are awesome! I approve of your comment :3

Hmmm...could do!

You forgot the giant piece of yellow plastic jutting right through the middle!

I expected to burst out laughing but...it's just so bad...I'm not really sure...what words to say!

Holy fuck a nice hot bowl of soup...Heinz Cream of Chicken or Cream of Tomato...and a nice fresh crusty roll or two.....~ !

The times I've been mainly were mid-points for journeys to Slough to see a friend- was very neat however to see the new train station come to lift over the couple of years...but the city itself...just something about it.

Next to electronics no doubt!

Puahahaha..Slough? Why Slough...well it's not THAT bad...granted I don't live there....

It's also a shame that samples in the 360 version are off pitch- Area 4 strikes me the most with one of the basslines being wrong...throws me off completely...ALMOST perfect port... >:

Now playing

I see your Music box and raise you some more...kind of. C:

Crash Bandicoot... :(