Especially when you consider Doug Jones’ actual history.
Especially when you consider Doug Jones’ actual history.
“Moore was better than Democrat Doug Jones who is “bad on crime, bad on borders, bad with the military, bad for the Second Amendment.””
It’s like someone sat him down and forced him to memorize a list of generic Republican talking points and buzzwords.
I’ve known many cats to be deliberate, meditative, smart and able to play the long game.
I’d watch and/or read this.
Also, isn’t this how Catwoman started? I would totally be down for an elderly Japanese grandma becoming Catwoman. She tries to knit, but she keeps getting distracted and batting the balls of yarn around. She knocks the figurines her grandkids get her off the shelves for no reason. She takes long naps, wakes up, moves…
I, for one, welcome our cat overlords.
Thank you. I am getting very tired of people pretending that guys who were born in the late 40s and early 50s, who until just a few years ago were part of the culturally dominant generation, are somehow old men trapped in some weird medieval time when nothing resembling our current morals applied.
I was 16 in 1979. Let me make it clear: it was not normal for teenagers to date 30 year olds. It was not the custom of the time, it was not in any way acceptable. 14-year olds dated other 14 year olds — maybe a 16 year old. I had 30-something guys hitting on me at 14 but it was and remains creepy as fuck. I probably…
I would go with “Republicans voted repeatedly and stumped aggressively to take away your health care and reward the super rich and corporations with your money.” They not only want to fuck their constituents, they have tried to do so on several occasions and there is evidence of this trying. If you hope the average…
Same. I had came to terms with Enron Ed because he’s actually more moderate than how he was running but I’m thrilled that Democrats went out and voted for once. I come from a state with tons of easy early voting and I’m shocked at how tight the voting times are in VA.
Chocolate milk celebration warms the cockles of my cold and cynical heart. Yay!
Every Democrat needs to run ads that say “Republicans want to take away your health care.” “Republicans want to take away your Social Security.” “Republicans want to raise your taxes to give more breaks to corporations that relocate overseas.”
My district just flipped to Democrat Dawn Adams, who beat a long time incumbent. I’m barely containing my glee!
I’m just over the state like in Tennessee so TBH I didn’t pay that much attention to the race because I was not hopeful. I cheered when I saw the news alert.
Gah, me too. So much so that I Netflixed while the returns were coming in, normally I’d be watching on the edge of my seat. I peeked at my phone and caught Northam’s victory and the delight just rolled from then on. I don’t live in Roem’s district, but basically all my local friends feel like this is a state wide…
And the biggest issue to Virginians voting for Northam? Health care. So when democrats run on the issues, they win. Maine also passed a referendum on Medicaid expansion.
Ikr? A big hug and kiss for all you beautiful Virginians who turned out and voted like your life depended on it.
Maine voted to expand Medicaid, so fuck you right in the gizzard, Paul LePage. Great precedent for other purple states with red legislatures.
I was reading my son his bedtime story, and this time I was the one that was stalling because I was dreading checking in on the results. When I the great news, I called my son downstairs for a chocolate milk celebration. Tonight we celebrate; tomorrow we get back to work.
There is a lot of work to be done, and we need to keep 2018 (and 2020) in mind going forward. We need to keep winning elections like this to make congressional Republicans pee their pants come 2018 and 2020 (looking at you, Paul Ryan - I’m giving money to Randy Bryce and I don’t even live in your damn district!). The…