I like the idea of Utterly Realistic Car Ads.
I like the idea of Utterly Realistic Car Ads.
I love it when some sitting over the wings freak out when they notice the wings flexing.
Nothing more than but a Silver Shadow.
Obviously the driver misjudged his coronering speed.
Hopefully he doesn’t come back as a Wraith.
A real Phantom
A Ghost, if you will.
The deceased on the gurney was in fact named Royce. He was a rolls Royce.
You also suck at aerodynamics because all you did was look at the Cd and totally ignored frontal area. Drag has two components. Cd is one, frontal area is the other.
Not to be a snob, but [puts on snob hat, snob glasses, and snob coat and tie) blended scotches are for homeless people. I would gladly take one bottle of Talisker over five bottles of Johhnie Walker Blue. Nothing says “I’m rich, but I’m also clueless and have bad taste” than Blue.
Talisker, my friend. The finest of any number of fine Scotches.
Refund! Refund! Refund!
Everybody cheats, I just didn’t know. — Dave Stoller
I don’t understand how the US still considers itself “the land of the free.” You poor sods are caught up in so many kinds of slavery and indentured servitude it boggles the mind.
Ah... This must be it... The comma, before the storm.
Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.
Make Today Great Again!
On a positive note, the throttle activation without steering input triggered the car to run in test mode so at least it wasn’t polluting that much on its way to catching on fire.
Mirrorless camera also has a shutter sound since it does have a mechanical shutter (this is where the shutter sound comes from), although some/most (depending on which type of mirrorless camera you are referring to) camera has electronic shutter which the sound can be turned on or off. Mirrorless camera doesn’t sound…