
Too many comments already and I don’t know if anybody has elaborated on MIRV yet, but for those people that live within about 100 km of a target and think they might have a chance I’ll add a few proverbial pennies. Please forgive any inaccuracies, it’s been a long time since I studied this at uni.

Don’t forget the Americans. They knew how to wedge too...

X-11. Friend at uni had one. Great acceleration for a FWD auto. But that torque steer!

I know it’s a pick of a nit, but in that photo of the two wagons, are the 4-spoke wheels from a Toyota? And this on a photo owned by Honda...

Someone once wrote that “war is a continuation of politics by other means.” IOW, there are times when diplomatic and economic methods become ineffective, and violence is required to move a political agenda forward. If the US hasn’t already reached that point again, it certainly appears to be going there.

Really, must you translate. They own Google. The least they can do is make it convert for them.

I’d like to commend you on actually calling a patent a patent.

I took few courses in strategic studies way back in uni and I think FA (and the public in general) could use more easy to read articles with basic strategic military analysis of various conflicts and weapon system deployments. Just knowing that you see “turf” as a major component of geo-political events gives me

Warning: The following technique contains violence and gore. Discretion is advised.

Girl likes her some Canucks. Problem is that she picks the ones that don’t know how to say sorry.

If you’re in a rush, just staple them with the open end down. Rain doesn’t normally fall up.

Thanks for that. Badass Soviet looks and what ZiL probably wishes it could be.

Uh huh, uh huh.

Yeah... I’ve come to accept that.

My mistake. Looks like you’re still in the denial stage.

Unlike the other poster, you’ve made it past denial to anger. Soon you’ll start bargaining, be depressed, then finally come to accept the ensuing decline of the American empire.

Denial is how the US got into this mess.

Tobey Maguire and Demi Moore?! That, sir, is a ghostly web of lies.

Of course it is. If the play Hamilton was Miranda’s vehicle to superstardom, then Otis can be your vehicle.

Maybe you’re not far off calling it a sickness. On its face, it’s a theory that very much fits the current problem.