
Contrary to popular opinion, there is one important difference between American freedom of speech and Canadian freedom of expression as explained by (then) Supreme Court of Canada Chief Justice, Beverley McLachlin, in a 2004 speech at Plattsburgh State University.

You know, those complaining should understand that by reading this blog, we tacitly support the re-pitch being described about. And even though Lifehacker properly attributes their sources, readers almost never do. "Hey Alice, I saw this great tip on Lifehacker..."

Monitor glare... sunglasses.

VOTE: Fisher Space Pen in stainless steel. With the cap on, it is small enough to fit in my wallet. With the cap on the end it has the balance of a full size pen. It really does write on most surfaces and continues to be my spare pen when I forget or misplace my F-701.

VOTE: Zebra F-701. Insanely cheap for a pen with a full metal jacket. I've dropped it many times and it still works after many refills. Tip: use the medium refills instead for a smoother and more distinct line.