
Best reality show on television. Britain can be a nasty place when it wants to be, but sometimes it aspires to be nice, and this is the result.

I came in with 'The Future' and "I'm your man" so hit the syth straight on in the middle of his life. I looked backwards from there to his early works as I read more about him and mostly overlooked the later pieces until live albums brought them to life. I find its one way to get around some of the more struggling

I was speaking more of the visual symbolism of it. The close ups of Zuko's scar was one of my favourite images of ATLA and they have nicely brought that back in

I was really hoping they were going to have the heart to heart while going through some sweet air bending moves, but I'll take the post trauma emotional breakdown

I'm still interested that no one on the council table mentioned anything about getting some non benders on to and taking a little bit of the wind out of amon's sails, seems a pretty simple solution and great for the propaganda war

I love how they are reusing the motif of the scarred face - the extreme close up of the Amon's eye behind the mask was such a nice call back to evil Zuko days

General question: One of my favourite aspects of 'The Thick Of It' was the large amount of improv they used in the making of it, do we know if he did the same again in this series?

Definitely one of the most underrated and forgotten about political satire shows. Hell it didn't even get played in NZ!

Do you know what its like to clean up your own mothers piss?

I've often thought of an awesome alternative scene of Ozai begging Aang to kill him with Aang coldly turning away to go get his post saving the world hook up….sadly thats been done too much but still could have been awesome

I must admit to feeling no shame about being sexual attracted to a male teenage cartoon character despite being a hetrosexual guy in my mid twenties with a long term female partner. It would be wrong but we all know the normal rules don't apply to Zuko.

I should say that I don't think Roku should have ended Sozin's life right then - that would have been overstepping the mark. But washing his hands in the business and returning home to rest his feet in his geothermally warmed footbath was irresponsible to say the least.

Sadly there is a little thing called Goodwin's law which generally means one does ones upmost to avoid any references to Nazi's in internet discussion.

Even better he spent most of that time fighting YOU so knows your weaknesses and what moves you generally rely on.

The probending world will be flipped upside down once there are enough Airbenders to demand a 4th person on each team. Said it here first.

Agreed - throw into this mix the apparent lack of traditional restraint in the form of the Avatar (Roku going easy on him the first time) and you have a perfect mix for the dictator.

Fire also represents rebirth in a lot of traditional symbolism. I wonder if 'The Firebending Masters' could be taken as an episode of the rebirth of "true" firebending as well as a rebirth or the respectful/peaceful relationship between the Avatar & The Fire Lord?


Do you dare question a LION TURTLE????

I remember on my first watch the absolute joy of seeing Momo and Appa fight was enough that even if the rest of the season was a major let down I would have been happy having come this far. Of course it turned out to be better than I could have dreamed but I'm just so happy they took the chance to have