
I don't understand why this isn't just common knowledge. It should be everyone's responsibility. You also don't have to worry about dropping anything in the toilet and it helps reduce the amount of germs that fly out of it when you flush. C'mon, people.

nice shading

Nobody cares about your (tiny) stupid boner.

I was suicidal at 6, and I don't remember if I knew that word. I definitely said pew, pew all the time, like every kid, which had absolutely nothing to do with it, but let's say some teacher or administrator decided I might've been thinking about killing myself - this response would've freaked me the fuck out and

You're that school's principle, aren't you?

It's not impossible for a 5-year-old to be suicidal (sadly), but there's no way a psychiatric evaluation should be done without notification and approval of the parents. Also, having a five-year-old sign something by themselves is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Depression is an increasing problem in young children. It is entirely possible for kids 5 or even younger to be suicidal. However, saying "pew pew" is not a symptom and there is such a thing as age-appropriate screening for kids. It's like they downloaded some poorly written screening tool designed for high school

Oh no, I meant it more as a response to the fact that it IS being recommended more often, and personally I think it's almost cruel. Women who are already obese are extremely unlikely to be able to meet a goal of losing weight while pregnant if they weren't able to lose the weight BEFORE being pregnant. It makes

This was the worst out of all of them, I think. Okay, yeah, recycled bullshit stereotypes about "lulz wimmin and their feels" are stupid and annoying, but THIS, where it basically just says "If you let a guy touch you, he is neither expected nor able to stop himself from doing whatever he wants to from there, so it's

All around me I spotted arms, chins, thighs and bottoms. Dimpled, corpulent flesh was everywhere.

EXACTLY. I found that entire excerpt extremely revealing about the author. She clearly spends an inordinate amount of time making worst-case assumptions about the thoughts and behaviors of other people: from assuming that all the women in the waiting room have gained too much weight/are unhealthy, to jumping to the

Right? That woman may have been admiring her damned shirt. But more than likely, absolutely none of this happened and our dear narrator just needed a yarn to wrap around her humblebrag.

Right. I'm betting no one told her anything at all.

Did she even get skinny shamed? The quote said she imagined what the lady in the waiting room was thinking, if she didn't actually say anything this might be a classic case of projection.

I find it really interesting that we can't seem to figure out nutrition in the average person (carbs are bad! Fat is bad! Fat is good! Certain carbs are okay, others will kill you! Animal protein will make you die! #notallaninalprotein!), but we know with absolute certainly (/sarcasm) that a responsible pregnant woman

Such, SUCH bullshit. When we say something, we are told we don't mean it. When we are raped, we are asked if we said "no". How can it matter, if "no" means "yes"? If I say "yes," and a man has sex with me, does that mean he raped me because I meant "no" because of the code? The mind boggles.

This paragraph is disgusting. A lot of it is ridiculous, condescending, and misogynistic, but this paragraph pretty much sums it up.

This was in a textbook, you guys. Not a Chive article. A TEXTBOOK.