
Maybe. Hear me out here, but maybe he’s just an oblivious moron who honestly believes he has super powers and the rest because his Church creates a potemkin reality around him.

Did you know that Dane Cook is olde English for chlamydia? True story.

Are you kidding me with this nonsense? America, we need to be smarter than this. Spit that Tide Pod you’ve got in your mouth out and go get your Crock Pot out of the trash.

Sorry, off topic, but there was a comment somewhere here saying that you were going through some difficult stuff right now (no details given and it was said in relation to some crap going on with some troll or another?). I wanted to wish you the best and let you know I look forward to reading your posts here even when


From Tuesday to Friday my husband and I were away in Southern California to check up on his parents.

I’m sorry to hear you’re in a bad place. You’ve always been one of my favorite commenters, and I’m rooting for you. I don’t have wisdom to impart, but wanted to chime in as someone who’s also done it and is making it. Often by the skin of my teeth, but for 15 years. Take care.

I don’t know your experience and won’t pretend to. But your contributions here alone showcase that you are NOT a fuck up and that you have so many constructive thoughts, ideas, and actions to give.

This isn’t to necessarily garner responses but I just needed to vent for a bit, and don’t know where else to do it.

The light has gone out of my life.

Pibber, yes you are getting soft. Still got love for you tho

I took a glass blowing class awhile ago and you would not believe the temptation to touch molten glass after it drips off the rod. It just looks like silly putty. And I love silly putty. I didn’t touch it though. Because I have a tiny bit of self control.

What the fuck people.

I remember standing in front of the bathroom mirror with my dad when I was a little kid (not every morning, since he was usually off to work well before my bus came, but fairly often), and we would blow ourselves kisses and tell ourselves how amazing and fantastic we were. ^_^

Imo getting off the toilet is the BEST time to do that. Esp after one of those life-changing type poos.

There was some overlap in commenters yesterday who posted their tributes to O’Riordan, and then went on to participate in a thread about how your M&M preference is indicative of your mental health. This was pretty frustrating to read, since I have firsthand knowledge of the fact that when a healthy young person dies

Yeah...situations like this my mind goes straight to “home” or criminal minds.

Dude. Everyone acts like the peanut m&ms are better but they’re clearly not.

All Starbursts are delicious. However, only green M&M’s are good, all the other colors taste awful.

That model is not far from how I look currently. This is due to a recent bout of severe depression, during which I had tremendous difficulty eating. I’m a thin person to begin with — the result of genetics and a 6'4 father, primarily — so weight loss for me becomes significant quickly (I also recognize the privilege